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Mike Norman Economics

Currency Hierarchy — Eric Tymoigne

In Stabilizing and Unstable Economy, Minsky noted that “[a]n economy has a number of different types of money: everyone can create money; the problem is to get it accepted” (p. 228). While governments and banks usually get the spotlight, tens of thousands of monetary instruments have been issued by localities, ecclesiastic domains, local seigneurs, taverns and other private agents in many periods of monetary history, worldwide, up to the present [see Burn (1853); von Glahn (1996); Fletcher...

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The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) as ideological fortress for monetary technocrats — Vadym Syrota

 Not MMT per se, but it explains something of the tenacious hold that neoliberalism has on economic and monetary policy owing to the Bank of International Settlements ((BIS).Monetary Policy Institute Blog #146The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) as ideological fortress for monetary technocratsVadym Syrota, Ph.D. in economics, independent banking expert, contributor to the specialized blog of the Kennan Institute Woodrow Wilson Center (USA)See alsoThe development of BRICS and its...

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