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Tag Archives: Bill Browder

RT — Anti-Russian sanctions based on fraudster’s tales? Spiegel finds Magnitsky narrative fed to West by Browder is riddled with lies

British*investor Bill Browder has made a name for himself in the West through blaming Moscow for the death of his auditor, Sergey Magnitsky. Der Spiegel has picked apart his story and uncovers it has major credibility problems. * Bill Browder is an American-born ex-pat living in London. He gave up his American citizenship for British.RTAnti-Russian sanctions based on fraudster’s tales? Spiegel finds Magnitsky narrative fed to West by Browder is riddled with liesSpiegel OnlineWie wahr ist...

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Craig Murray — The Magnitskiy Myth Exploded

The conscientious judges of the European Court of Human Rights published a judgement a fortnight ago which utterly exploded the version of events promulgated by Western governments and media in the case of the late Mr Magnitskiy. Yet I can find no truthful report of the judgement in the mainstream media at all. The Magnitsky Hoax has been a major card played in imposing sanctions on Russia.Craig Murray BlogThe Magnitskiy Myth ExplodedCraig Murray, formerly British ambassador to Uzbekistan...

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Epstein is no Different than Magnitsky — Martin Armstrong

This is what struck me immediately on learning of Epstein's "passing," the near certainty of which I had mentioned to a friend several days before. He asked me, "Do you mean he will be 'suicided?" Of course, this remains just a hypothesis based on a suspicion that is based on "cui bono?" The truth of the matter will likely never be established to the satisfaction of all. Even if it is "established through evidence" in an investigation, the result won't be universally accepted, for good...

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Martin Armstrong — Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia

Martin Armstrong was on the onside on this and explains what really went down and how new of it was suppressed and is being suppressed to protect the powerful. Putin knows this, of course. I wonder how much of it he told Trump during their private meeting. Armstrong Economics Russiagate – The Slow Drip of the Coup to Take over Russia Martin ArmstrongSee alsoIntel TodayTwo Years Ago — Blast From The Past : The NSA & the CRYPTO AG Sting (And why it matters to Dag Hammarskjöld murder...

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Elias Hazou — The Magnitsky affair: the confession of a hustled hack

Before getting down to brass tacks, let me say that I loathe penning articles like this; loathe writing about myself or in the first person, because a reporter should report the news, not be the news. Yet I grudgingly make this exception because, ironically, it happens to be newsworthy. To cut to the chase, it concerns Anglo-American financier Bill Browder and the Sergei Magnitsky affair. I, like others in the news business I’d venture to guess, feel led astray by Browder. This is no...

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Lucy Komisar — I’ve Been Browder’s Number One Journalist Critic for Two Decades. Here’s What President Trump Should Know About Handling Him

The ongoing Browder saga. Lucy Komisar is an investigative journalist who focuses on financial and corporate corruption, particularly the use of offshore bank and corporate secrecy havens. She began investigating William Browder nearly 20 years ago when she learned of his use of an offshore company in the Isle of Man to siphon off profits from the Russian company Avisma, cheating minority investors of dividends and the Russian Treasury of taxes. Her expose was published by 100Reporters, a...

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Sputnik — ‘It Must Be Seen’: Filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov Urges Public to See Magnitsky Film

Andrei Nekrasov, writer and director of the film "The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes," sits down with Sputnik to discuss his latest film and encourage viewers to look past the disinformation campaign launched against both the movie and its creators.... Sputnik International‘It Must Be Seen': Filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov Urges Public to See Magnitsky Film

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