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Tag Archives: bill clinton

Patrick Armstrong — Obama Marries the Liberals to the Neocons

The co-optation of the so-called US left, which is really the center in comparison to "the left" in the rest of the world. In the Obama years the marriage of the neocons and the humanitarian interventionists was effected. The neocons, with their doctrine of American Exceptionalism are always ready for an intervention and their justification is always the same: "American moral leadership":Our world needs a policeman. And whether most Americans like it or not, only their indispensable nation...

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Bill Black — How Democratic Party Mendacity about Deficits and Banksters Lifted Trump

Stephanie Kelton and I have been trying hard to keep Democrats from, again, rushing into the trap of denouncing Republicans for running federal deficits. Yes, Republicans are hypocrites about debt and deficits. That does not mean that Democrats should repeat Clinton and Obama’s embrace of the Republican’s economically illiterate, harmful, and fake hysteria about debt and deficits.... In general, good government is good politics. The Democrats should focus on adopting and supporting...

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Pam and Russ Martens — Obama Has the Same Retirement Plan as the Clintons: Lavish Speaking Fees from Wall Street

The “Wall Street Democrats” is the wing of the party created by the Clintons and nurtured further by Barack Obama. It takes money hand over fist from Wall Street for political campaigns, wags a warning finger at Wall Street from the public podium while stuffing its administrations with Wall Street execs, then its leadership reaps millions of dollars in personal speaking fees from the robber barons after leaving office. As of this morning, there’s no longer any debate that Obama is firmly...

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Bill Black — Is Politico or Third Way More Divorced from Reality?

Bill deftly trashes the Third Way New Democrats. Bill Clinton and Tony Blair were as toxic as Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher through their "triangulation," which amounted to moving right to capture the center.New Economic PerspectivesIs Politico or Third Way More Divorced from Reality? William K. Black | Associate Professor of Economics and Law, UMKC See also The title below should read, "Why The Democrats Are Unable to Defend the u.s. From the 'Most Vicious' Republican Party in...

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Hillary and Bill and Paul Krugman Race to the Right to Stop the Bern

By William K. Black April 8, 2016     Bloomington, MN (Crossposted from Huffington Post. Postscript added for NEP) Remember several weeks ago when Hillary Clinton was complaining that Democrats did not consider her a “progressive?”  Bernie Sanders’ big win in Wisconsin ended that tactic and propelled Paul Krugman and Hillary and Bill Clinton to race to the right, inadvertently proving Bernie’s point that they are not progressives on the key issues. In the last week, Hillary and her...

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