Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has rekindled another, potentially more bitter conflict: the long-running war between international relations school of thought. You may have read the Mearshimer interview in the New Yorker that roiled so many, defending his version of realism. Maybe you read Stathis Kalyvas’ defense of constructivism. Or one of a thousand tweets, raging against or loving an IR take. If you’re like most people, however, you’re just confused. If so, forgive yourself. I spent years...
Read More »Kenneth L. Pearce — George Berkeley and the power of words
John Locke's epistemological realism versus George Berkeley's linguistic constructivism. Subsequent findings favor Berkeley's view. Human's participate in the construct of their reality through the way they express themselves about it and their relationship to it. Short and worth a read.OUPblog — Oxford University Press's Academic Insights for the Thinking WorldGeorge Berkeley and the power of words Kenneth L. Pearce | Ussher Assistant Professor in Berkeley Studies (Early Modern...
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