Agnès Labrouse quote. The most revelant sentence: While Duflo and Banerjee are in line with a technocratic democracy, the Ostroms sustain a Tocquevillean democratic self-governance. For the latter, institutions emanating from democratic processes, far from being straitjackets, are the core of economic processes. They simultaneously constraint and enable human action. Paternalism versus democracy. That's pretty much the "compassionate conservative," liberal divide. Lars P. Syll’s...
Read More »Elinor Ostrom and common pool resources — John Tomer
It's becoming clear that Earth, its atmosphere and surrounding space constitute a delicately balanced ecosystem that requires being viewed and treated as a common pool resource. Elinor Ostrom’s (1990; 2009) research focuses on common pool resources (CPR) and the dilemmas they have posed for their users and society. A CPR is a resource such as a fishing ground, an irrigation system, ground water, pasture land for grazing animals, etc. that jointly benefits a group of people (the users) but...
Read More »Duncan Green — Elinor Ostrom’s Rules fo Radicals
Elinor Ostrom's Rules fo Radicals. Lin Ostrom is the only woman to have won a Nobel in economics. Oxfam Blogs — From Poverty to PowerLinks I Liked Duncan Green, strategic adviser for Oxfam GB
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