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Tag Archives: Emmanuel Macron

Oliver Haynes — Gilets Jaunes under attack

Many figures of the European establishment regard Emmanuel Macron as the saviour of the European project. Yet his response to these protests – violence, mass arrests and the reinstatement of national service for 16-year olds – would hardly be out of step with the more retrograde national populist and authoritarian regimes. If Emmanuel Macron wants to save his reputation, let alone Europe, he must start leading by example, ban the flashball, and take these protests seriously rather than...

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Prabhat Patnaik — The Yellow Vest Movement

Balance sheet approach to economic analysis and its social political implications. How neoliberalism, controlled by finance capital, rules in the EZ owing to its self-imposed constraints and intransigence of finance capital to accommodate.People's DemocracyThe Yellow Vest MovementPrabhat Patnaik | Indian Marxist economist and political commentator, retired from the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning in the School of Social Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi...

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Mark Leonard — The Coming Franco-German Bust-Up

The partnership at the center of European integration is unraveling just when Euroskeptic forces are coming together. If French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel cannot start rebuilding the political center, next year's European Parliament election will produce the biggest victory yet for anti-EU populists.… Entering the endgame?Project SyndicateThe Coming Franco-German Bust-Up Mark Leonard | Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations

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Martin Armstrong — The New French Revolution?

Martin Armstrong mentions the increasing tax burden on workers in Europe. He doesn't mention that the increasing tax burden results from the institutional structure of the EZ, where the member countries have ceded currency sovereignty to the ECB. As a result, these countries are no longer sovereign currency issuers and cannot self-fund. Like US states, they have to tax or borrow to spend and there are institutional limits on borrowing (deficit spending) imposed by treaty.The key point in...

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Macron: I’m Here to Make France Great Again Macron States – “I Am Putin’s Equal”French President Wants America To Go To War In Syria How Emmanuel Macron Became the New Leader of the Free World Macron to Trump: "You need allies, we are the ally" French president to call for American ‘militarism’ How the UK's special relationship with the US was replaced by Macron's 'relation spéciale'Macron: US, France and allies should not leave, must build 'new Syria after war'Macron to advocate...

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Scholar Explains Macron’s Involvement in Syria — Sputnik interviews Dr. Binoy Kampmark

Sputnik spoke to Dr. Binoy Kampmark, a Senior Lecturer at RMIT University, Melbourne and former Commonwealth Scholar at Selywn College, Cambridge University; who is also a contributing editor to CounterPunch to find out more about the France's role in Syrian conflict as well as about the recent Emmanuel Macron's statements on the topic. Nails it here. Macron is playing what has been termed a more ‘reserved’ game to his predecessors Sarkozy and Hollande, who both felt that French power...

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Thomas Piketty — Trump, Macron: same fight

It is customary to contrast Trump and Macron: on one hand the vulgar American businessman with his xenophobic tweets and global warming scepticism; and on the other, the well-educated, enlightened European with his concern for dialogue between different cultures and sustainable development. All this is not entirely false and rather pleasing to French ears. But if we take a closer look at the policies being implemented, one is struck by the similarities. In particular, Trump, like Macron,...

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