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Tag Archives: fake news

Glenn Greenwald — The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

Just a tip of the iceberg. We're all "shocked, shocked, shocked" that the US media would do such a thing. As I tell my many friends who know I watch this stuff, if you can't be sure what is true and what is not, don't believe any of it. The InterceptThe U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened Glenn GreenwaldSee also Having been on the receiving end of three "fake news" stories in the past week, betwee the ABC...

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Robin Andersen — Backlash Against Russian ‘Fake News’ Is Shutting Down Debate for Real

Three important takeaways here.1. There is no evidence that RT or Sputnik pushed fake news. They featured accurate news reports that the US establishment didn't like and hosts and guests that contested the US establishment message.2. The US tech industry and Google in particular have enormous control over the US information system and they use it the interest of the US establishment.3. The US intelligence apparatus revealed its high degree of politicization and involvement in domestic...

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Caitlin Johnstone — ‘The Atlantic’ Commits Malpractice, Selectively Edits To Smear WikiLeaks

See that full stop at the end of the last sentence there [in The Atlantic quote of Wikileaks]? That’s journalistic malpractice. Selective editing in one way spin and disinformation get created. Another is selective reporting that omits relevant facts. This is how propaganda works to create faked news. The author of the Atlantic article, Julia Ioffe, put a period rather than a comma at the end of the text about not wanting to appear pro-Trump or pro-Russia, and completely omitted WikiLeaks’...

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Claire Wardle and Hossein Derakhshan — How did the news go ‘fake’? When the media went social

Wrong. Fake news has always been rampant in the media as propaganda. It even has a name. "Spin." And older than that is "yellow press."Take spin, for example. This occurs not only in the reporting of news but also in the commentary on. The distinction between actual news and commentary is also often blurred. Major media use selective reporting and spin to control the narrative. In many ways, this approach to subtle persuasion is more effective and insidious than obviously faked stories...

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Richard Edelman — Why the fake news bomb has exploded

We are just out of the field on a flash poll in the U.S. taken last week, with 1,000 members of the general population and an oversample of 113 Silicon Valley-based tech employees on the impact of fake news on trust in mainstream media. The sad conclusion that has been drawn by a majority of Americans is that fake news is created by the media with a motive, destruction of political opponents. The logical end point is establishment of echo chambers, in which one reads only that which one...

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Dave Lindorff — The attack on “fake news” is really an attack on alternative media

Last December Congress passed a new law, promptly signed by then-President Barack Obama, that enacted an Orwellian amendment to the Defense Authorization Act of 2017. Called the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, this measure tasks the State Department, in consultation with the Department of Defense, the director of national intelligence and an obscure government propaganda organization called the Broadcasting Board of Governors, to establish a “Center for Information Analysis...

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Rick Sterling — The Trumped-Up Syria-Sarin Case

As Israel threatens an expanded war against Syria and Lebanon, an emotional justification is the alleged April 4 sarin attack that was blamed on the Syrian government despite huge holes in the evidence, as Rick Sterling reports. Consortium NewsThe Trumped-Up Syria-Sarin Case Rick Sterling, investigative journalist See also SouthFrontMoscow: UN-OPCW Report Regarding Khan Shaykhun Chemical Attack Is “an Attempt To Mislead the International Community”lkb22

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Janna Anderson And Lee Rainie — The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online

Experts are evenly split on whether the coming decade will see a reduction in false and misleading narratives online. Those forecasting improvement place their hopes in technological fixes and in societal solutions. Others think the dark side of human nature is aided more than stifled by technology. It's folly to think that the Internet is responsible for fake news as a new phenomenon as a social influence. It's been around for a long time in various forms. The Platonic dialogue, The...

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David Kravets — Proposed law would regulate online ads to hinder Russian election influenc

Honest Ads Act requires Google, Twitter, Facebook to open ads to public review. Ars TechnicaProposed law would regulate online ads to hinder Russian election influence David Kravets, senior editor for Ars Technica and founder of TYDN fake news site TheYellowDailyNews (TYDN) is satirical parody. Any rational relationship to reality is coincidental. Its publisher is David Kravets, the senior editor at Ars Technica.

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David P. Hamilton — Understanding the ‘Fake News’ Hysteria

It's about controlling the narrative. For the most part, “fake news” is a fake concept designed by the corporate news media to discredit those who challenge the official U.S. hegemonic narrative. The typical MSM fake news accusation starts with some egregious fictionalization and then morphs over to the real targets: the subversives, those who would dispute foundational elements of the official history or its recent approved updates. The New York Times building in Manhattan. (Photo...

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