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Tag Archives: fascism

Publius Tacitus — America On It’s Way to Being Stalin’s Soviet Union

Nothing more sickening and offensive than the hypocrisy of a nation claiming to be the pinnacle of democracy and freedom while moving inexorably towards a state that embraces authoritarianism. And no, I do not mean that Donald Trump is the culprit. He is not. He is a weak man masquerading as a strong man while the BORG aka the Deep State pushes onward with its agenda to quash the spirit of liberty that once infused this great country. He is more a victim than an instigator.... Sic Semper...

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Brad DeLong — Joseph Goebbels (1932): Those Damned Nazis!: Weekend Reading

Should read. Goebbels present Nazism as a political form that combines nationalism, socialism, populism, and progressivism, and is opposed to internationalism, bourgeois liberalism, and capitalism, which Goebbels equates with "international Jewry."Grasping RealityJoseph Goebbels (1932): Those Damned Nazis!: Weekend ReadingBrad DeLong | Professor of Economics, UCAL Berkeley

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Peter Turchin Can Fascism Happen Here?

Peter Turchin equates fascism with tyranny, but I don't think that is correct. Fascism is a modern political theory, while tyranny is a political category proposed by Plato, as Professor Turchin notes. The "tyrants" of history were what now call "dictators," although the Latin term "dictator" had a somewhat different meaning classically from the Greek "tyrannos." Thus, equating fascism with tyranny as usurpation of absolute power as sole ruler involves a category error, on one hand, and it...

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Olivia Solon — Tim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent ‘weaponised’ web

The inventor of the world wide web warns over concentration of power among a few companies ‘controlling which ideas are shared’ The GuardianTim Berners-Lee: we must regulate tech firms to prevent 'weaponised' web Olivia Solon While the chattering class is obsessing over social media, the deep state is operating behind the scenes. Advanced capitalism leads to corporate statism, the symbiotic relationship between the state and capital, which is the definition of fascism. "It can't...

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Pepe Escobar — The future of the EU at stake in Catalonia

Fascist Franco may have been dead for more than four decades, but Spain is still encumbered with his dictatorial corpse. A new paradigm has been coined right inside the lofty European Union, self-described home/patronizing dispenser of human rights to lesser regions across the planet: “In the name of democracy, refrain from voting, or else.” Call it democracy nano-Franco style. Nano-Franco is Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, whose heroic shock troops were redeployed from a serious...

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SouthFront Thousands Protest In Barselona Over Police Violence During Catalan Independence Referendum

State fascism rearing its ugly head again in Spain?SouthFront Thousands Protest In Barselona Over Police Violence During Catalan Independence Referendum lkb22 IndependentSpanish anti-separatists in Madrid protest with fascist arm salutes while singing far-right song Natasha Salmon ReutersSerbia accuses world of double standards over Catalonia and Kosovo More paradoxes of liberalism.

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Sam Kriss — The Myth of the Alt-Left

After Trump announced the existence of the alt-left on live TV, media outlets scurried to tell the world exactly where the term emerged from. CBS explains that it “came out of the conservative media.” CNN, quoting a director at the Anti-Defamation League, describes it as a “made-up term used by people on the right.” writes that “the term ‘alt-left’ began being used by the online conservative media in 2016 before it slowly migrated to more mainstream conservative voices, like Fox...

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