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Tag Archives: George Soros

Steven Bannon is back — in Europe

Sputnik International'Soros Brilliant, But Evil': Bannon to Rival Open Society Foundations in Europe Deutsche WelleUS-Rechtspopulist Steve Bannon plant rechte Bewegung in Europa [US right-wing populist Steve Bannon plans a right-wing movement in Europe] (I didn't find an English there on their English site. It did not turn up in a web search either.)

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Norbert Häring — George Soros’ INET, the Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy

Four years ago, I framed it as a question: “George Soros‘ INET: An institute to improve the world or a Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy?” Today I would not use a question mark any more.Frances Coppola came to a similiar conclusion after attending the big INET gathering in Edingburgh in October.… Sleeping with the devil.Real-World Economics Review BlogGeorge Soros’ INET, the Trojan horse of the financial oligarchy Norbert Häring | economics correspondent for Handelsblatt, the German...

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Yves Smith — What Do Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Dick Cheney, Oprah Winfrey, Erin Brockovich, Stephen Hawking, Harrison Ford, Robert Kennedy, Jr., Jon Krakauer, Michelle Obama, Dan Rathers, Malcolm Gladwell, and Yours Truly Have in Common? Smeared by a Soros-Funded Think Tank for Appearing on RT

The New McCarthyite program of demonizing anyone and anything associated with Russia continues apace. A Soros-funded think tank called European Values has put out a screed (no exaggeration, read the hyperventilating tone of the “report”) which has as its major aim chilling the participation of guest speakers on RT, per its title, The Kremlin’s Platform for ‘Useful Idiots’ in the West. This self-styled think tank posted a list of people who had appeared on RT on a series of its shows since...

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Claire Connelly — Black lists matter: the betrayal of democratic liberalism

Democracy 2.0 is having its own modern-day McCarthy moment: Millionaire [sic, should be "billionaire"] George Soros has published a blacklist of thousands of politicians, journalists, academics and celebrities ever to appear on Russian state broadcaster, RT, designed to intimidate anyone from ever appearing on the network which has already been defunded by NatWest, demonetised by social media giants Google, Facebook and Twitter which have rapidly become privately outsourced state...

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