Much government regulation does not fit the logic of Stigler’s theory of anti-competitive regulatory capture. In a new book, Steven Vogel of Berkeley argues that the theory of regulation needs to account for the phenomenon of captured regulators bent on deregulating—and that the critical consideration facing regulators is no longer how to enhance competition, but how different governance models favor different actors. Rent capture.ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University...
Read More »Douglas A. Irwin — Stigler on Monopolies: “Competition is a Tough Weed, Not a Delicate Flower”
Many of Stigler’s views on monopoly and antitrust were consistent through the decades. Even after his concerns of monopoly began to recede, he continued to believe that monopolies and oligopolies were still prevalent in the American economy and that they “should be a source of serious concern for public policy.”... ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessStigler on Monopolies: “Competition is a Tough Weed, Not a Delicate Flower”Douglas...
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