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Tag Archives: Green New Deal

Zero Hedge — Ocasio-Cortez Formulates “Green New Deal” To Fix Climate And “Repair Historic Oppression” Tyler Durden

The talking is over. A legislative proposal is being prepared and will be put on the table "next week." Politically, the big news is demographics. The millennial generation is now the most populous and the boomers are beginning to die off. Young politicians are staking their claims to the future — AOC and Tulsi Gabbard, for example. How successful they will be how quickly is uncertain. What is certain is that they are going to be around for a long while and they will be joined by...

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Stephanie Kelton, Andres Bernal, and Greg Carlock — We Can Pay For A Green New Deal

Here’s the good news: Anything that is technically feasible is financially affordable. And it won’t be a drag on the economy ― unlike the climate crisis itself, which will cause tens of billions of dollars worth of damage to American homes, communities and infrastructure each year. A Green New Deal will actually help the economy by stimulating productivity, job growth and consumer spending, as government spending has often done. (You don’t have to go back to the original New Deal for...

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Richard Heinberg — Could a Green New Deal Save Civilization?

Mentions MMT positively as a tool. The reality is that there is no proposal on the table articulated in the detail needed to address the issues. This requires comprehensive statement of a design problem and a design solution. The reason is that key pieces are missing so far owing to the huge scale involved and the size of the emergent challenges. Have the green new dealers faced up to this adequately? Most of what is being mentioned is the low hanging fruit, and that is not sufficient...

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Mark Jeftovic — The Disturbing Rise Of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

I attempted to link directly to the source of the post, which ZH crossposted, but got the message that the site''s bandwidth limit had been exceeded. Apparently MMT is going viral. AOC is a big deal. She has changed the national conversation.The "criticism" is pretty standard, from the gut rather than the head. Dealing with the truth is hard.Zero HedgeThe Disturbing Rise Of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)Mark Jeftovic via

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John Quiggin — A Green New Deal?

In the specific context of a Green New Deal, the most important demand should be a reduction in working hours, with no offsetting change in wages. That amounts to taking the benefits of increased productivity, and progressive redistribution, in the form of increased leisure rather than increased consumption. It goes along with research findings suggesting that experiences, rather than material goods, are a better source of lasting happiness. To make the argument work completely, we need the...

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teleSUR — Democrats Block Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal Committee

Despite weeks of protests demanding Democrats to push for a Green New Deal, the Democratic leadership blocked Thursday a proposal by congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to form a committee that would have drafted the New Deal project. Instead, they've decided to back a plan by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to revive a global warming panel lead by representative Kathy Castor. The move sparked controversy because Castor has dismissed calls to bar people who accept money from...

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Bill Mitchell – billy blog The Job Guarantee is more than a Green New Deal job creation policy

Everywhere I read it seems, the ‘Green New Deal’ appears. I wrote a bit about it last week in my evaluation of the latest US job numbers – US labour market moderated in November and considerable slack remains (December 11, 2018). The point I made there was that a shift to a green economy would possibly generate around 21 million jobs (14 per cent of total US employment), which given reasonable estimates of excess capacity would require a huge shift in the employment structure and multiples...

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