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Tag Archives: Hot Topics


For eight years Mitch McConnell did everything in his power to block any initiative by President Obama; no matter the cost to the nation. It simply wouldn’t do to have the Democrats governing, to have a Democrat in the White House; especially not a popular black President. He never was much on democracy. McConnell couldn’t thwart the will of the people in the 2008 presidential election, but, from the start, it was ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure that...

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Thoughts on the Invasion of the US Capitol

Thoughts on the Invasion of the US Capitol  It’s all happening as I write, but here are a few reactions: 1. Fortunately we see Q-Anonics, Loud Boys and other right wing crazies invading the Capitol Building and not Black Lives Matter or the Left.  Think how many lives would have been lost if it had been the other way around. 2. It will be interesting to see how deeply investigators will delve into the lax security preparations for today’s...

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Open Threads for Off Topic Comments

Each week, Dan puts up an Open Thread post for people to use to discuss topics not related to posts. “Redundant alert,” off-topic comments or subjects to posts can be discussed in the Open Threads. The rules are the same for hateful, discriminatory, etc. comments on an Open Thread. Don’t do it or you will be trashed or tossed into “spam.” We do not see everything written. If we miss it, take a moment and let us know directly rather than...

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The GOP has crossed the Rubicon

The GOP has crossed the Rubicon  – by New Deal democrat In the Roman Republic, military leaders automatically lost their legal authority to command at the Rubicon River in northern Italy. When Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his legions, it was an act of war against the Republic. With the filing of their  Amicus brief in the Supreme Court this past week, the GOP as represented by their Congressional delegation similarly finally broke...

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Republican Renegade Emulates Warren’s Student Loan Cancellation, It is Still Problematic

First a story, then an introduction to Alan Collinge of Student Loan Justice Org., and finally some cold hard facts from Alan about what is happening to millions of people who have student loans. Your Angry Bear blogger and activist went to a garden party in Michigan in support of Democrats and Senator Debbie Stabenow pre-2018 election. I had donated to the Democrats and directly in support of various county, state, and federal candidates. Since I had...

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Student Loan Debt Crisis Town Hall – November 20, 2020

[embedded content] Friday, November 20, 2020 3:00 PM (EST) Student Loan Debt Crisis Panelists include: PAUL GRONDAHL – Director New York State Writers Institute (host) MATT TAIBBI – Author, Rolling Stone Magazine, Reporter (moderator) Michael J. Camoin – Videos For Change Productions, SCARED TO DEBT (filmmaker) ALAN COLLINGE – Founder of StudentLoanJustice.Org (activist) CATHERINE AUSTIN FITT – Investment Advisor (former Sallie Mae ) THOMAS BORGERS – Wall...

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Calling Pennsylvania

I promised myself not to forecast. I promised you that I would call Pennsylvania when I could. I get Trump ahead by about 700,000 and 2,000,000 absentee ballots to be counted. Assuming independents split (generous to Trump) Dem-Rep on absentees is about 50% so … I call Pennsylvania for Biden. (I may delete this post tomorrow). But I promised.

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Dearly Beloved

Our beloved Constitution has flaws. Only a very few, but these few have cost the Nation dearly, and, unless corrected, will continue to do so. It is very possible that unless corrected, they will lead to the Nation’s demise. These flaws have been and are being taken advantage of by the worst among us, and used against the rest of us. The electoral college, that most undemocratic of bodies, has, in just sixteen years, seated two of our most incompetent...

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Vaccine Progress

Guest Author at Angry Bear is Professor Joel Eissenberg. Dr. Joel Eissenberg is a professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and is probably a good person to ask questions concerning pandemics and bringing new vaccines to market. Ask questions  .  .   .  I am sure he will answer the same as he has commented in the Comments section. He also reviewed my layman’s piece on Moderna’s mRNA. I am hoping he will contribute at Angry Bear on healthcare from...

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Calling Pennsylvania On November 3rd

It is very likely that the candidate who wins Pennsylvania will become president. A problem is that the election officials are not allowed to look at absentee ballots before November 3rd. It is likely that Trump will lead the in person vote and try to declare victory. However, the party registration of absentee voters is public. The US Elections Project 2020 General Election Early Voting Statistics webpage is fascinating. It shows the amazing early...

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