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Tag Archives: Infidel753 Blog

Freedom wins the elections

Infidel’s commentary covering the recent referendums in Ohio and elections in Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Kansas, and Rhode Island. All of which were ending in resulting in wins for people. And of course, most if not all reflecting Democratic party views on the various issues. In the end, “democracy and individual freedom still remains vigorous in the US.” Infidel 753, Freedom wins the elections, Infidel753 Blog Yesterday’s...

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Closed and Open Minds

Infidel753, Closed and open minds, Infidel753 Blog There is a certain type of person who never asks questions because he already knows all the answers.  He is usually, though not always, to be found among the ranks of the ideological far right or left, or among the devoutly religious.  He is good at preaching, but bad at listening.  He never deigns to look at any website or other source which deviates from his own belief system, for he knows he...

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Closed and Open Minds

Infidel753, Closed and open minds, Infidel753 Blog There is a certain type of person who never asks questions because he already knows all the answers.  He is usually, though not always, to be found among the ranks of the ideological far right or left, or among the devoutly religious.  He is good at preaching, but bad at listening.  He never deigns to look at any website or other source which deviates from his own belief system, for he knows he...

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“Sabotaging a nation’s future”

“Sabotaging a nation’s future,” Infidel753 Blog, Infidel753 The government of India recently issued new guidance on schooling.  If implemented as described and made permanent, the changes will be disastrous for the country’s future. The theory of evolution — the core and basis of all modern biology and most medical science —  is to be dropped, except for the small minority of students who “major” in biology.  Some other key scientific concepts,...

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The modern free press

“The modern free press,” Infidel753 Blog, Infidel753 In the US, we have probably the world’s strongest protections for free speech and freedom of the press, thanks to the First Amendment and the citadel of jurisprudence built on it.  And yet the mainstream media here are usually strikingly timid and reluctant to call a spade a spade.  Recent examples of this include their treatment of Trump as a normal presidential candidate despite his abuse of...

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Prosecuting Trump — a caveat

Infidel753, Prosecuting Trump — a caveat, Infidel753 Blog. Just two weeks early . . . It’s starting to look as if Trump may be indicted fairly soon, an event much of the left has been impatient to see for some time (what I myself most wanted was to simply never hear another word about him, but it’s clear that the reality we live in is not going to grant that wish for the foreseeable future).  The case coming to a head is the Stormy Daniels...

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Cultural Vandalism

Infidel753: Cultural vandalism As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of ‘The Times’ had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead.  This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks,...

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The “exhausted majority”

At Infidel753 blog, author Infidel has a great commentary from February 14th. He discusses an “exhausted majority” making up America which has found the ongoing politics to be unacceptable, having checked out of either side of the battle. Granted, the politics of elections and the thereafter has turned into a mudslinging contest. The news media reporting has helped to bring it to a new low. People do not even want to listen to the 20 of the 30...

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The ten most important events of 2022

Infidel753: The ten most important events of 2022, Infidel753 Blog 1. The Ukraine war.  It’s sometimes hard to judge which event ranks most important in a given year, but this time, there was no question.  Putin’s invasion of Ukraine showed that his regime aspires to territorial expansion by crude, naked military force, a throwback to the pre-1945 order which we thought the world had cast off forever.  It showed that a medium-size nation...

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Immediate post-election observations

Infidel753: “Immediate post-election observations,” Infidel753 Blog There was no red wave.  There was no blue wave.  Most incumbents got re-elected.  Whichever side ends up controlling the House and Senate will have a razor-thin margin. Turnout was very high on both sides and the process ran smoothly pretty much everywhere, so it was a big win for democracy. If the Republicans get the House majority, the margin will be small and the...

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