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Tag Archives: information transfer economics

Jason Smith — 2.4% growth forever?

Mentions Stephanie Kelton. In addition to trying to set up a framework to understand these phenomena for the future book, I also saw a tweet from Stephanie Kelton talking about the downward revisions of potential RGDP and potential NGDP both in level and growth rate [3]. She thinks that 2% growth going forward is too pessimistic -- saying we can get 3% growth. Now the model above says that the dynamic equilibrium is 2.4% (so I'd agree that 2% growth is a shade pessimistic, see [3]).But...

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Jason Smith — Money is the aether of macroeconomics

So I've never really understood Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). In some sense, I can understand it as a counter to the damaging "household budget" and "hard money" views of government finances. To me, it still cedes the equally damaging "money is all-important" message of monetarism and so-called Austrian school that manifests even today when a "very serious person" tells you it's really the Fed, not Congress or the President that controls the path of the economy and inflation when neither...

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Jason Smith — Immigration is a major source of growth

One of the findings of the dynamic information equilibrium approach (see also my latest paper) is that nominal output ("GDP") has essentially the same structure as the size of the labor force. The major shocks to the path of NGDP roughly correspond to the major shocks to the Civilian Labor Force (CLF). Both are shown as vertical lines. The first is the demographic shock of women entering the workforce.... With the positive shock of women entering the labor force ending, immigration is a...

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Jason Smith — Information transfer economics: year in review 2017

With 2017 coming to a close, I wanted to put together a list of highlights like I did last year. This year was the year of dynamic information equilibrium as well as presentations. It was also the year I took some bigger steps in bringing my criticisms of economics and alternative approaches to the mainstream, having an article at Evonomics and publishing a book.... Information Transfer EconomicsInformation transfer economics: year in review 2017Jason Smith

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Cameron K. Murray — A random physicist takes on economics

Short appreciation of Jason Smith's A Random Physicist Takes on Economics. He likes it. Jason Smith, a random physicist, has a new book out where he takes aim at some of the core foundations of microeconomics. I encourage every economist out there to open their mind, read it, and genuinely consider the implications of this new approach. Go get it now. It only costs a few bucks. Fresh Economic Thinking A random physicist takes on economicsCameron K. Murray

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Jason Smith — A random physicist takes on economics: Out now!

My Kindle e-book is out now! Here's the blurb: A Random Physicist Takes on Economics is a novella-length critique of economic methodology from an outsider's perspective as well as a proposal for a new way of understanding supply and demand and rational agents as emergent concepts from the complex behavior of real people. After a brief biographical introduction on how he ended up doing economic research, author, blogger and physicist Jason Smith leverages "irrational" random agents and...

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