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Tag Archives: ISM indexes

Economically weighted ISM indexes show an economy on the very cusp of – but not in – contraction

 – by New Deal democrat Recently I have paid much more attention to the ISM services index. That’s because, since the turn of the Millennium, manufacturing’s share of the economy has contracted to the point where even a significant decline in that index has not translated into an economy-wide recession, as for example in 2015-16.  When we use an economically weighted average of the non-manufacturing index (75%) with the manufacturing index...

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Economy Still Barely in Expansion

Economically weighted ISM indexes show (and forecast) an economy still – barely – in expansion  – by New Deal democrat As I was traveling last week, I did not write about several data series that I normally update. I plan on taking care of that this week. There’s also a little excitement in the markets today. Typically and when there has not been drastic *hard* news, the action is all about leveraged positions being unwound in disorderly...

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