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Tag Archives: John Roberts

This is How the Public Feels About SCOTUS

I understand one has to like to read about what the upper courts are doing, how they decide, and why they make decide as they do. It is obvious why Roberts and the other five decide the way they do. I will let you figure out what the basis is for their decisions. Roberts lates has reaped a public whirlwind of well-deserved criticism. Supreme Court analysis: John Roberts knows he lost the public. – by Dahlia Lithwick SLATE You would be...

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Roberts Well Played Act as Centrist on the Court

SLATE legal experts Dahlia Lithwick and Joseph Stern picked up on a NYT article written about how Chief Justice John Roberts is not the court’s centrist. I am not sure exactly when Roberts came out of the centrist closet. In any case. Angry Bears Beverly Mann (2014) exposed Roberts as being the one waiting on more conservative justices to join the court. Of course, the majority court occurred during the Trump administration. I will not name names;...

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Roberts Well Played Act as Centrist on the Court

SLATE legal experts Dahlia Lithwick and Joseph Stern picked up on a NYT article written about how Chief Justice John Roberts is not the court’s centrist. I am not sure exactly when Roberts came out of the centrist closet. In any case. Angry Bears Beverly Mann (2014) exposed Roberts as being the one waiting on more conservative justices to join the court. Of course, the majority court occurred during the Trump administration. I will not name names;...

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Scrutiny of John Roberts: He Says He Will Vote to Uphold the University of Texas Affirmative Action Admissions Policy Because White Applicants Have Political Power. Seriously.

I (run7511) resurrected this commentary from March 2013. It is a realistic commentary about what John Roberts is all about. A take on what they were discussing then and how SCOTUS is reacting today. WASHINGTON — As the justices of the Supreme Court struggled with the question of same-sex marriage this week, politicians in Congress kept handing down their own verdict. One after another, a series of lawmakers in recent days endorsed allowing gay men...

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Answering John Roberts Beliefs of Innocence

I had read Dan’s post, “Total Hypocrisy, Franken Pushed Back on GOP” – Angry Bear ( Was kind of wondering if there was an answer to John Roberts. Roberts beliefs are they are innocent, alas how could their decisions be influenced by political beliefs, especially the political influences appointing them, the Federalist Society, their own beliefs, politics, etc. Did I miss something? As one commenter said, appointees to SCOTUS...

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Conservative 5 Testing Robert’s Court Clout

Was still waiting to hear more on the SCOTUS leak of Alito’s draft opinion to Politico. Pulled up Hullabaloo. I was reading Digby post tonight “Oh my, look who’s leaking (again).” It caught my attention, you think??? It isn’t a Liberal . . . I am still guessing “Ginni” ratted to Politico. The Washington Post Reporting: The leaked draft of Alito’s opinion is dated February 10 and is almost surely obsolete now, as justices have had time...

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