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Tag Archives: MAD

Philip Giraldi — America Goes to War

Fighting Russia, China and al-Qaeda simultaneously requires more money The Unz ReviewAmerica Goes to War Philip Giraldi, former CIA counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer, now Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest and founding member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity see alsoThe National InterestRussia Says It Will Soon Deploy Mach 20 Avangard Hypersonic Weapon Michael Peckalso TASSWashington playing with the devil:...

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Mikhail Khodarenok — Nuclear war: Hypothetical scenario & Russia’s strike options

Backgrounder. This is how a nuclear launch would go down.The fact that this is even appearing is a cause for concern.RTNuclear war: Hypothetical scenario & Russia's strike options Mikhail Khodarenok, retired colonel of the Russian militarySee also In Knutov’s view, the US has been “preparing for a real war with Russia since the 2000s.” “At the time, it was a theory, but now they start practicing,” he said, referring to the numerous exercises carried out by NATO, including in the...

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Franz-Stefan Gady — Russia Begins Sea Trials of Nuclear-Capable ‘Poseidon’ Underwater Drone

Russia has reportedly commenced sea trials of its ultimate doomsday weapon, a nuclear-capable underwater vehicle (UUV), dubbed ‘Poseidon,’ purportedly designed to deliver a 2-megaton nuclear warhead to destroy naval bases, carrier strike groups, and entire coastal cities by triggering a radioactive Tsunami wave. The sea trials of the “Poseidon” began last week and are primarily focused on the UUVs guidance system and underwater operations in autonomous mode. Work on the “Poseidon” is...

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Mark Hertsgaard — The Secret Daniel Ellsberg Really Worries About

The author and former military analyst tells The Nation that it’s still US policy to launch a first-strike nuclear attack. Russia not paranoid?The NationThe Secret Daniel Ellsberg Really Worries About Mark HertsgaardSee also"General" Prince?TRNN Infamous Mercenary Erik Prince Being Considered to Build Trump's Foreign Army for Syria Ben Norton interviews Medea Benjamin,s co-founder of the peace group CODEPINK and the human rights organization Global Exchange

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The world just changed. “Putin did it.”

Sunday reading. LobeLogUnipolar Strategy in a Multipolar World Paul Pillar Une parole francheMissile-gate Gilbert Doctorow | European Coordinator of The American Committee for East West Accord Ltd.Russian and Eurasian PoliticsPutin’s ‘Missile Speech’: Butter, Guns, and Security Discourse Gordon M. Hahn, Expert Analyst at Corr Analytics, and a Senior Researcher at the Center for Terrorism and Intelligence Studies (CETIS), Akribis Group,

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RT Putin on new US nuclear stance: If attacked, Russia will use nukes

So there you have it. The cards are on the table. “We are greatly concerned by some parts of the new nuclear posture, which reduces the benchmark for the use of nuclear weapons. Whatever soothing words one may try to use behind closed doors, we can read what was written. And it says that these weapons can be used in response to a conventional attack or even a cyber-threat,” [Putin] said. “Our nuclear doctrine says Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons only in response to a...

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Sputnik — Russia’s Nuclear Shield: From World’s First ICBM to ‘Dead Hand’ System

The Russian "doomsday machine" continues to safeguard the country's sovereignty and national interests, RIA Novosti contributor Alexander Khrolenko writes, shedding light on how Perimeter, an automatic nuclear-control system dubbed 'Dead Hand,' actually works.… After the end of the Cold War, the Russian "doomsday machine" was removed from combat duty in 1995. However, "the United States and its allies did not appreciate this gesture of goodwill of the leadership of the Russian Federation,...

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Jon Schwarz — We Can Stop North Korea From Attacking Us. All We Have to Do Is Not Attack Them.

North Korea is not going to launch a first strike on America or its allies with nuclear weapons. To understand this, you don’t need to know anything about the history of U.S.-North Korea relations, or the throw weight of intercontinental ballistic missiles, or even where North Korea is. All you need to know is human history. And history says that small, poor, weak countries tend not to start wars with gigantic, wealthy, powerful countries — especially when doing so will obviously result...

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