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Tag Archives: media propaganda

Caitlin Johnstone — Fuck you, actually.

I love a good rant. This is, in fact, a great one! Hey, Sunday Times? How about fuck you, actually? Fuck your brazen attempt to keep the British people from reclaiming what is being stolen from them by an increasingly corporatist neoliberal government. Fuck your shameless “information war” which places the agendas of plutocrats and intelligence agencies above truth and honest discourse. Fuck your relentless propaganda campaign which smears anyone who remembers the lies they were told...

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Daniel Margrain — The ‘liberal’ media bringing us WW3

People do not have much of an appetite for more war, and yet this is not reflected in the pages of the elite corporate media, TV or radio debates and discussions. Daniel Margrain takes a look at the news propaganda around Syria and why it does not stand up to a moments scrutiny. Documentation of media deception.Renegade, Inc.The ‘liberal’ media bringing us WW3 Daniel Margrain

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RT — Russia lists 9 media outlets as foreign agents, including Voice of America, Radio Liberty

Nine media outlets have been registered as foreign agents by Russia’s Justice Ministry, in accordance with a recently passed law. The law comes in response to the US Congress’s moves towards RT America. On Tuesday, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, including its regional branch Radio Azatliq, along with six other outlets were recognized as foreign agents, according to the website of Russia’s Ministry of Justice. The list also includes the Kavkaz.Realii, Krym Realii...

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Robert Parry — Guardians of the Magnitsky Myth

In pursuit of Russia-gate, the U.S. mainstream media embraces any attack on Russia and works to ensure that Americans don’t hear the other side of the story, as with the Magnitsky myth, reports Robert Parry.... This is to journalism as ignoring data, historicity, and operations is in economics.Consortium NewsGuardians of the Magnitsky Myth Robert Parry

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RT — Twitter’s multi-million dollar US election pitch to RT revealed in FULL

RT was thereby forced to reveal some details of the 2016 negotiations during which Twitter representatives made an exclusive multi-million dollar advertising proposal to spend big during the US presidential election, which was turned down. Having since been banned, and in order to set the record straight, we are publishing Twitter’s presentation and details of the offer in full. RTTwitter’s multi-million dollar US election pitch to RT revealed in FULL

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Robert Parry — Russia-gate Jumps the Shark

A key distinction between propaganda and journalism is that manipulative propaganda relies on exaggeration and deceit while honest journalism provides context and perspective. But what happens when the major news outlets of the world’s superpower become simply conveyor belts for warmongering propaganda?That is a question that the American people now face as The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and virtually the entire mainstream media hype ridiculously minor allegations about...

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