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Tag Archives: military-industrial complex

American Militarism Is Riding High — W. J. Astore

What we’re not encouraged to do is to criticize or even to question America’s vast military establishment and its enormous power, even though President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about that establishment in his famous farewell speech in 1961.It’s high time we Americans listened to Ike as well as to J.W. Fulbright. Let’s give the latter a close listen, shall we?… I stumbled across Senator J. William Fulbright’s 1970 book The Pentagon Propaganda Machine and, out of curiosity, bought it...

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Matthew Ehret — Trump Attacks Military Industrial Complex and Calls for Infrastructure Investments in the Middle East

While Trump has too often accommodated this hive of neocons, his recent statements and repeated calls for cooperation with Russia and China demonstrate a sound push back which should be taken very seriously. In that Fox interview Trump said: “With all of everything that’s going on, and I’m not one that believes—you know, I’m not somebody that wants to go in to war, because war hurts economies, war kills people, most importantly—by far most importantly.”You know, in Syria, with the...

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Col. Douglas Macgregor — NATO Is Not Dying. It’s a Zombie

Why is NATO a zombie. According to Col. MacGregor, it fuels the military-industrial complex that lies at the heart of the US economy, so it is kept alive indefinitely. Of course, we knew this already, but here is a former insider saying it. Mysteriously, the promises given to President Mikhail Gorbachev by President George H. W. Bush, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, President Francois Mitterand, Chancellor Helmuth Kohl and their foreign ministers in 1990—not to expand NATO eastward; not to...

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Thomas Spoehr — Why the U.S. Military Is In Serious Trouble

The report notes that the United States now faces five rising challenges—China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and transnational terrorism—yet has fewer military forces than at any time since the end of World War II. “Simply put,” it observes, “the United States needs a larger force than it has today if it is to meet the objectives of the strategy.”... Message: The US needs to spend more on military — a lot more.The National InterestWhy the U.S. Military Is In Serious Trouble Army Lt. Gen....

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Andrei Martyanov — Cutting Empire To Size, Or Yet Another “National Security” Crisis

What passes for US military strategy.Reminiscence of the FutureCutting Empire To Size, Or Yet Another "National Security" CrisisAndrei MartyanovAndrei Martyanov cites this. It's a must read. Gripping account.We Are The MightyThat time a Marine general led a fictional Iran against the US military – and won Blake StilwellSee also This year, the US has started to stress its intention of withdrawing from the 1987 INF Treaty not just because of Russia’s alleged non-compliance with it, but also...

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Caitlin Johnstone — Nation Horrified To Learn Child-Killing Death Merchants Have Racist Employee

Caitlin goes after the military-industrial complex in general, and specifically Northrup Grumman. The "racist employee" is just the lede. It's really a reminder of how right Ike was in his warning to the country about the growing power of the MIC when he left office.Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistNation Horrified To Learn Child-Killing Death Merchants Have Racist EmployeeCaitlin Johnstone

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