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Tag Archives: Neoliberalism

Bill Mitchell — IMF policies undermine the health of mothers and children in the poorest nations

In our new book Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World (Pluto Books, 2017) – Thomas Fazi and I argue that a new progressive agenda would see the abolition of the IMF and the World Bank and the creation of a new multilateral institution that is entrusted with ensuring poor nations can access necessary funds to prevent their societies collapsing. This organisation would not be a bulwark for inflicting neoliberal policies on the poorer nations,...

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IMF Worried that High Inequality Could Threaten Global Capitalism — Sharmini Peries interviews Michael Roberts

MICHAEL ROBERTS: I think the IMF, and that clip shows it, is worried that the huge increase in inequality of income and wealth in many countries, like the US and the UK, over the last 20 or 30 years is reaching such extreme levels that there is serious danger of social and political unrest. The great status quo of globalization and neoliberal policies and international activity in the direction of big business is being threatened by this high inequality. Their economists have now started to...

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Adair Turner — China vs. the Washington Consensus

Neoliberalism versus market socialism with Chinese characteristics. Which wins? Since Deng introduced market socialism, China has been kicking butt in terms of growth rate, defying neoliberal predictions, while neoliberal economies have been mired since the 2008 crisis. What's up with that? Adair Turner explains. What is overlooks, however, is the history of the US, which adopted the American System over the British system as a result of Alexander Hamilton's influence and followed...

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Bill Mitchell and Thomas Fazi — Everything You Know About Neoliberalism Is Wrong

Some falsely assume that as a result of neoliberal globalization the national state has largely been superseded by transnational capitalism to the degree that national sovereignty no long matters very much. International liberals think that this is a good thing, since competition among nation states has led to conflicts and conflagration.Bill Mitchell and Thomas Fazi argue otherwise. What has taken place rather is state capture. ...core capitalist countries have not been characterised by a...

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Socialism, Land and Banking: 2017 compared to 1917

An article written for the hundredth anniversary of the Russian Revolution, to be read in Beijing today. Socialism a century ago seemed to be the wave of the future. There were various schools of socialism, but the common ideal was to guarantee support for basic needs, and for state ownership to free society from landlords, predatory banking and monopolies. In the West these hopes are now much further away than they seemed in 1917. Land and natural resources, basic...

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Michael Hudson: Socialism, Land and Banking: 2017 Compared to 1917

Socialism a century ago seemed to be the wave of the future. There were various schools of socialism, but the common ideal was to guarantee support for basic needs, and for state ownership to free society from landlords, predatory banking and monopolies. In the West these hopes are now much further away than they seemed in 1917. Land and natural resources, basic infrastructure monopolies, health care and pensions have been increasingly privatized and financialized. Instead of Germany and...

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Edward Harrison — Crony capitalism and redistribution

What Ed Harrison call "crony capitalism" is a feature of neoliberalism as government capture that favors special interests. "Crony capitalism" is an egregious example of the underlying assumption that capital formation should be favored over other factors in the interest of growth, based on the further assumption of trickle down. This results in upward distribution and growing inequality of income and wealth, which eventually leads to social dysfunctionality.Credit Writedowns Crony...

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Bill Mitchell — British productivity slump – all down to George Osborne’s austerity obsession

Apparently, whenever some poor economic news is published about the United Kingdom, journalists have to weave in their on-going gripe about the outpouring of democracy in June last year that saw the Brexit vote to leave successful. Its hysterical really. The most recent example is from the otherwise sensible Aditya Chakrabortty from the UK Guardian (October 17, 2017) – Who’s to blame for Brexit’s fantasy politics? The experts, of course. The story has nothing much to do with the June 2016...

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