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Read More »New child benefit impact on child poverty overblown
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Read More »How Housing Policy Benefits from a Socioeconomic Perspective
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Read More »The Global Haves And Have-Nots In The 21st Century
NEP’s Marshall Auerback interviews Branko Milanovic, Visiting Presidential Professor, The Graduate Center, City University of New York. This is almost certainly the highest level of relative, and certainly absolute, global inequality at any point in human history. Is there anything we can do to reverse or mitigate this trend? See the interview here. [Translate]
Read More »Jayati Ghosh on the Poverty-turn in Development Economics
As much as there has been an institutional turn in mainstream economics, since the 1980s, which is not completely dissociated from the anti-Keynesian turn that started in the 1970s and led to the segregation of heterodox groups within the profession, there has been a poverty-turn in the development economic literature, as noted by Jayati Ghosh.Particularly important in this shift is that:"Macroeconomic processes are entirely ignored: patterns of trade and economic activity that determine...
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