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Tag Archives: reasoning

A history of FLICC: the 5 techniques of science denial — John Cook

This is useful not only as a primer on recognizing and rebutting science denialism but also as a contribution to critical thinking in general.I should be obvious by now that dismissing something as "conspiracy theory" without an adequate foundation is just another means of discrediting opponents and  achieving narrative control. But there are conspiracy theories out there that need debunking based on sound reasoning grounded in evidence.Crazy UncleA history of FLICC: the 5 techniques of...

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Chris Dillow — Rationalism, rationality & reasonableness

Chris Dillow is writing bout the dialectical approach in contrast to the categorical approach and apparently doesn't realize it even though he is a Marxian economist. What is is saying is to adopt the principle of rational inquiry in one's own thinking by critiquing oneself and becoming one's own interlocutor and devil's advocate. This is fundamental to critical thinking, in contrast to dogmatic thinking, for example.Stumbling and MumblingRationalism, rationality & reasonablenessChris...

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Noah Smith — “Theory vs. Data” in statistics too

Important. I think Noah has this right. Fit the tool to the job, rather than the job to the tool. Aristotle defined speculative knowledge in terms of causal explanation. This definition stuck although Aristotle's analysis of causality did not. In the Posterior Analytics, Aristotle places the following crucial condition on proper knowledge: we think we have knowledge of a thing only when we have grasped its cause (APost. 71 b 9–11. Cf. APost. 94 a 20). That proper knowledge is knowledge...

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