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Tag Archives: redistribution

Eliza Reiman — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams ‘far-right former governor’ Scott Walker after he mischaracterizes …

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slammed former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's simplification of her proposal to hike taxes on the super-rich in a tweet on Tuesday. Walker said he told a group of fifth graders that the policy amounted to their grandmother taking 70% of their $10 pocketmoney. In a viral takedown, Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that the proposed marginal tax rate increase would only apply to the wealthiest Americans. Business Insider Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez slams 'far-right former...

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Branko Milanovic — A la recherche of the roots of US inequality “exceptionalism”

It has been long argued that American income inequality was, in the past 40 years or so, exceptionally high compared to other OECD countries. The latest results available by Luxembourg Income Study that harmonizes income concepts across countries show inequality in disposable (per capita) income in the US to be 41 Gini points, that is, higher than in any other similarly rich country (Germany’s Gini is 32, British 35, Italian 35, Dutch 28). So, this part is not controversial.What is more...

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IMF Worried that High Inequality Could Threaten Global Capitalism — Sharmini Peries interviews Michael Roberts

MICHAEL ROBERTS: I think the IMF, and that clip shows it, is worried that the huge increase in inequality of income and wealth in many countries, like the US and the UK, over the last 20 or 30 years is reaching such extreme levels that there is serious danger of social and political unrest. The great status quo of globalization and neoliberal policies and international activity in the direction of big business is being threatened by this high inequality. Their economists have now started to...

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