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Tag Archives: Science Fiction

A Tale of Frankenstein – Lecture at Bard College

19 November 2024 Introduction As we all know  Frankenstein was the  scientist in Mary Shelley’s 1818 novel of that name, who invented a human machine, which he intended   to be a benefactor,  but  which  turned out to be a monster. The question I want to address this evening is: can we avoid  our technology destroying us?  This is the most important thread running through my  book, Mindless, just published in the United States.  It discusses   the impact of machines on jobs, on...

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Science Fiction, The Feeling of Power, and Where are the Holes?

Science Fiction When I was growing up, there as not a time when I did not have a book in my hands and reading. One of my favs was science fiction, another was the Civil War, and then the classics. I stumbled upon a short story about futuristic fighter pilots. The issue to the story being it was an even battle between to waring nations. No one could gain the upper hand as computers determined the tactics only to be countered by other computers. One...

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