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Tag Archives: social entrepreneurship

IPA’s weekly links

Pretty good piece in SSIR by Kevin Starr and Sarah Miers of the Mulago Foundation, why don’t big NGOs scale up other social entrepreneurs’ solutions? They spoke to a bunch of leaders and once they got past the laughter and disbelief at the idea, found “Not created here syndrome” that everybody knows about Big funders like government aid agencies prioritize project-based work Differing priorities at country vs. headquarters Hard to replicate someone else’s idea and get it to work They...

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Maxwell Hall — Society is fractured. These innovators at Davos are fixing it

Social entrepreneurship.The post seems to view the social application of technology as the "solution." Apparently, they really don't get it. "It" is not just about making life "better" but rather making life meaningful. The issue is overcoming alienation by providing integration.Capitalism is based on alienation. Society ism fracture because individuals are fractured rather than being integrated personally and socially.So the solution involves addressing the paradoxes of liberalism. Many of...

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