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Tag Archives: stock-flow consistent modeling

A spreadsheet version of the IS/MY model (alternative to IS/LM model) — Dirk Ehnts

I hope that this model will be taken up by more colleagues as it is very clear now that the IS/LM model “does not work”. If you make it more realistic by saying that investment does not depend on the rate of interest (vertical IS curve) and that the central bank determines the interest rate (horizontal LM curve), then you will have wasted 3-4 lectures to explain the goods market (IS curve) and the money market (LM curve) only to conclude that both do not matter in practice. It is only a...

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Gennaro Zezza and Francesco Zezza — On the Design of Empirical Stock-Flow-Consistent Models

While the literature on theoretical macroeconomic models adopting the stock-flow-consistent (SFC) approach is flourishing, few contributions cover the methodology for building a SFC empirical model for a whole country. Most contributions simply try to feed national accounting data into a theoretical model inspired by Wynne Godley and Marc Lavoie (2007), albeit with different degrees of complexity. In this paper we argue instead that the structure of an empirical SFC model should start from...

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Brian Romanchuk — “An Introduction to SFC Models Using Python” Paperback Edition Published

My latest book: An Introduction to SFC Models Using Python is now available as a paperback edition.… Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC) models are a preferred way to present economic models in the post-Keynesian tradition. This book gives an overview of the sfc_models package, which implements SFC models in Python. The approach is novel, in that the user only specifies the high-level parameters of the economic model, and the framework generates and solves the implied equations. The framework is...

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