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Tag Archives: Thomas Piketty

Tyler Cowen — *Capital and Ideology*, by Thomas Piketty

Ha ha. Libertarian-Austrian economist criticizes a left-leaning economist for being "highly partisan" in an analytic book that is about the socio-economic effects of ideology.Marginal Revolution*Capital and Ideology*, by Thomas PikettyTyler Cowen | Holbert C. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University and serves as chairman and general director of the Mercatus Center

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Thomas Piketty’s New Book Brings Political Economy Back to Its Sources — Branko Milanovic

In the same way that Capital in the Twenty-First Century transformed the way economists look at inequality, Piketty’s new book Capital and Ideology will transform the way political scientists look at their own field. ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessThomas Piketty’s New Book Brings Political Economy Back to Its Sources Branko Milanovic | Visiting Presidential Professor at City University of New York Graduate Center and senior...

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James K. Galbraith — Piketty’s World Inequality Review: A Critical Analysis

My new essay examines the question from three points of view: the coverage provided by tax data in the world economy, the consistency of tax data with other sources of information on income inequality, and the peculiarities of tax-based measurement of inequality in the United States. It goes on to make a comparison with measures drawn from other forms of administrative data—specifically payroll records, used by the University of Texas Inequality Project—which are generally more consistent...

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Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez. Gabriel Zucman — Distributional National Accounts: Methods and Estimates for the United States

This article combines tax, survey, and national accounts data to estimate the distribution of national income in the United States since 1913. Our distributional national accounts capture 100% of national income, allowing us to compute growth rates for each quantile of the income distribution consistent with macroeconomic growth. We estimate the distribution of both pretax and posttax income, making it possible to provide a comprehensive view of how government redistribution affects...

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Sophie Hardach — Here are 3 facts you need to know about inequality and populism

Why are democracies around the world failing to curb rising inequality? What explains the ascent of populist parties and politicians? In a recent paper, French economist Thomas Piketty argues not only that inequality and populism are linked – but that both can be explained by dramatic shifts in the traditional two-party system that favour different elites.... The rise of the “Brahmin Left” The persistence of the “Merchant Right Where does this leave poor and less educated voters? ......

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Oscar Jorda — The rate of return on everything

Important. The rate of return on capital plays a pivotal role in shaping current macroeconomic debates. This column presents findings from a new dataset covering returns of major asset classes in the advanced economies over the last 150 years. The data offer new insights on several long-standing puzzles in economics, and uncover new relationships that seem at odds with some fundamental economic tenets. VOX - CEPR's Policy Portal The rate of return on everything Òscar Jordà, Katharina...

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Marshall Steinbaum — Why Are Economists Giving Piketty the Cold Shoulder?

Important.  Marshall Steinbaum catches us up on what's happened since the publication of Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century three years ago. Actually, lots.  But the economics profession has largely ignored it since it involves distribution and the economics profession doesn't consider distribution irrelevant.Boston ReviewWhy Are Economists Giving Piketty the Cold Shoulder?Marshall Steinbaum | Fellow and Research Director at the Roosevelt Institute

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