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Tag Archives: transaction costs

Peter Radford on corporations

Most theories of the firm within economics pick up the narrative with the existence of the corporation as a given. They then bend over backwards to retro-fit this highly centralized pseudo economy into the larger free market narrative preferred in all major textbooks. In so doing they blithely ignore Alfred Chandler’s famous explanation for the rise of modern business organization, which he argued became possible “only when the hand of management proved be more efficient than the invisible...

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Cecchetti & Schoenholtz — Moral Hazard: A Primer

The term moral hazard originated in the insurance business. It was a reference to the need for insurers to assess the integrity of their customers. When modern economists got ahold of the term, the meaning changed. Instead of making judgments about a person’s character, the focus shifted to incentives. For example, a fire insurance policy might limit the motivation to install sprinklers while a generous automobile insurance policy might encourage reckless driving. Then there is Kenneth...

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