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Tag Archives: US economic warfare

Middle East Eye — Turkish Banker Sentenced to 32 months in US Prison for Evading Sanctions

The prosecution of Mehmet Hakan Atilla has further strained relations between US and Turkey.… A US judge sentenced Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a banker at Turkey's state-controlled Halkbank, to 32 months in prison on Wednesday after he was convicted earlier this year of taking part in a scheme to help Iran evade US sanctions.... The case has further strained diplomatic relations between the United States and Turkey, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned it as a political...

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Anatoly Karlin — Dealing With Secondary Sanctions

Russia responds, not tit-for-tat, but asymmetrically as it said it would. Navalny helped the EU compile sanctions on the people who made Crimea’s return to Russia possible in 2014. A year later, he submitted a list of Russian bureaucrats he believed should be sanctioned to the FT, many of whom were indeed later sanctioned by the West. Also in 2015, professional oppositionists Mikhail Kasyanov and Vladimir Kara-Murza traveled to the US to lobby Congress into putting Russian journalists –...

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John Helmer —How Us Economic Warfare Works

As for the real damage to the Russian economy recorded since 2014, the State Department officials report “that oil price volatility explains the vast majority of the decline in Russia’s GDP and import demand, with very little left to be explained by sanctions or other factors. Thus either sanctions had only a small negative effect on these variables or other positive factors largely cancelled out the effect of sanctions.” The real losers, they add, of the combination of sanctions and...

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Paul Robinson — Time to break free from America

Some steps have already been taken. We see new financial structures outside US control beginning to emerge, such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the petro-yuan. Already financial journalists are speculating that the US decision to renege on the Iranian nuclear deal will strengthen the latter. I tend to the view that such developments are an inevitable part of the global shift in economic power. As the US declines in relative economic terms, its grip on international...

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Zero Hedge — Putin: The Whole World Sees The “Dangerous Dollar Monopoly”

Addressing the Russian Parliament following his inauguration, Vladimir Putin observed the necessity of increasing Russia’s economic sovereignty and independence from the petrodollar system, stressing that the West is boosting this process through its economic bullying in the form of sanctions.... De-dollarization is a Russian priority.Zero HedgePutin: The Whole World Sees The "Dangerous Dollar Monopoly" Tyler Durden See also at ZH Playing US Sanctions: China Walks A Fine Line In Iran

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Cyril Widdershoven — How The World’s Oil Powers Will Seize The Iran Deal

Analysis of the implications of oil sanctions, including war.Oil PriceHow The World’s Oil Powers Will Seize The Iran Deal Cyril WiddershovenAlso at Oil Price Untangling Russia’s economy from the U.S. dollar dependence is one of Putin’s goals, local outlet Sputnik reports. “We used to behave naïvely, but now we see that the WTO [the World Trade organization] rules are all too often broken, the restrictions are imposed for political reasons, which they call sanctions. Plus more and more of...

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Alex Christoforou — De-dollarization and the rise of Bitcoin. Is there a connection between the two?

Is Bitcoin a Reaction to US Dollar Hegemony? Like Mike has been saying for some time. The DuranDe-dollarization and the rise of Bitcoin. Is there a connection between the two? Alex ChristoforouSee alsoThe iron fist of the US. As the launch of new ‘petro’ cryptocurrency draws near, a US government agency declared that this newcomer to the digital financial market may represent a violation of sanctions imposed against Venezuela, its issuer. Sputnik InternationalUS Treasury Warns About...

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