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Tag Archives: US

Robert Parry — How Netanyahu Pulls Trump’s Strings

If indeed Clinton were right that Trump was Putin’s “puppet,” then he would have agreed to negotiations to address the North Korean crisis; would have accepted constructive diplomacy toward Iran; and would have ended all U.S. support for the Syrian militants and encouraged a quick end to the bloodletting. Instead, Trump is moving in opposite directions, lining up with Netanyahu and the neocons, whom some European allies refer to as “America’s Israeli agents.” Although dressing up his...

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Publius Tacitus — Donald Trump KowTows to Israel on Iran Part II

Where does one begin to counter such lies and misrepresentations? Who has been the most destabilizing force in the Middle East over the last 27 years? I would suggest that the United States multiple invasions of Iraq, military action in Libya and our decision to help arm and train Islamic rebels keen on overthrowing Syria's President Assad qualifies us as the biggest meddlers and chaos makers. One of the recurring big lies being pushed in the media--by Republicans and Democrat as well as...

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Pat Lang — Who Wrote Trump’s Decertification Speech Part 1

The US again shows itself unable to keep its agreements. Who is going to make agreements with a country like that?Sic Semper TyrannisWho Wrote Trump's Decertification Speech Part 1 Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.) At the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lang was the Defense Intelligence Officer (DIO) for the Middle East, South Asia and counter-terrorism, and later, the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. At the DIA, he was a member of the Defense Senior Executive Service. He...

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Rob Crilly — Justin Trudeau tells Donald Trump he will block Boeing contracts over Bombardier tariff row

The first trade war of the Trump administration is with — Canada! Not counting sanctions as trade war, of course. Sanctions are just war by non-military means. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, told President Donald Trump on Wednesday he would block his country’s armed forces from buying Boeing aircraft if the US presses ahead with plans to slap import tariffs of 300 percent on Bombardier aeroplanes. The issue is threatening to ignite a trade war between the US, Canada and the...

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China Daily — Nothing to gain from uncertainty

U.S. President Donald Trump may have a personal interest in keeping the rest of the world wondering what he is actually up to. But the pervasive sense of uncertainty he has created since Day 1 in the White House is hardly conducive to his presidency or U.S. national interests, never mind global stability.... Trump may believe the U.S.' unrivaled capabilities give him boundless room for maneuver in handling foreign policy issues. But in that he would be mistaken. Scrapping the Iran nuclear...

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Kent Moors — The Geopolitical Consequences Of U.S. Oil Exports

Two crucial things happened yesterday. The first you may have noticed – oil prices moved back up. As for the second, most so-called “experts” seemed to have missed.See, the environment we’re seeing in energy markets is very different from what we saw only a week ago, when oil prices were also rising. Because yesterday also saw – for the first time in world history – a reigning Saudi Arabian monarch in Moscow for talks with Russia’s head of state. Historically, Russia has been much...

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Martin Armstrong — Will China take over US as the top Superpower

Stories about the imminent replacement of the USD as the global reserve currency abound. In some circles it is the consensus reality. Martin Armstrong sets a questioner straight. China is on the rise and it will become the financial capital of the world after 2032. However, it has a long way to go. China can price every commodity in yuan and demand all trade deals are in yuan. That still will not displace the dollar. The center core issue behind the dollar ironically in the US National...

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