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Tag Archives: William Browder

Epstein is no Different than Magnitsky — Martin Armstrong

This is what struck me immediately on learning of Epstein's "passing," the near certainty of which I had mentioned to a friend several days before. He asked me, "Do you mean he will be 'suicided?" Of course, this remains just a hypothesis based on a suspicion that is based on "cui bono?" The truth of the matter will likely never be established to the satisfaction of all. Even if it is "established through evidence" in an investigation, the result won't be universally accepted, for good...

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Robert Parry — Guardians of the Magnitsky Myth

In pursuit of Russia-gate, the U.S. mainstream media embraces any attack on Russia and works to ensure that Americans don’t hear the other side of the story, as with the Magnitsky myth, reports Robert Parry.... This is to journalism as ignoring data, historicity, and operations is in economics.Consortium NewsGuardians of the Magnitsky Myth Robert Parry

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