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DSIA02C: What do College Rankings Mean?

Part C of 2nd Lecture on Descriptive Statistics: An Islamic Approach explore College Rankings. Why are they done? How are they done? What the numbers used for rankings mean? What do we learn from these numbers? Looking at the big picture shows that the ranking numbers are meaningless. Questions of how these descriptive statistics can ...

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Part C of 2nd Lecture on Descriptive Statistics: An Islamic Approach explore College Rankings. Why are they done? How are they done? What the numbers used for rankings mean? What do we learn from these numbers? Looking at the big picture shows that the ranking numbers are meaningless. Questions of how these descriptive statistics can be improved are also discussed. For writeup of video, see

Asad Zaman
Physician executive. All opinions are my personal. It is okay for me to be confused as I’m learning every day. Judge me and be confused as well.

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