Saturday , July 27 2024
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Economics with System Dynamics

This week Steve and Mike will be giving tutorials on how to use system dynamics to study economics. Mike will use Stella, and Steve will use Minsky. This should be a great way to get a basic understanding of how to model using system dynamics. Mikes YouTube Channel for more tutorials:

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This week Steve and Mike will be giving tutorials on how to use system dynamics to study economics. Mike will use Stella, and Steve will use Minsky. This should be a great way to get a basic understanding of how to model using system dynamics.

Mikes YouTube Channel for more tutorials:
Steve Keen
Steve Keen (born 28 March 1953) is an Australian-born, British-based economist and author. He considers himself a post-Keynesian, criticising neoclassical economics as inconsistent, unscientific and empirically unsupported. The major influences on Keen's thinking about economics include John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Hyman Minsky, Piero Sraffa, Augusto Graziani, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Thorstein Veblen, and François Quesnay.

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