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Steve & Friends with Scott Santens. Livestream #32

Scott Santens, has been researching and advocating for the concept of unconditional universal basic income (or UBI) since 2013. Website:

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Scott Santens, has been researching and advocating for the concept of unconditional universal basic income (or UBI) since 2013.

Steve Keen
Steve Keen (born 28 March 1953) is an Australian-born, British-based economist and author. He considers himself a post-Keynesian, criticising neoclassical economics as inconsistent, unscientific and empirically unsupported. The major influences on Keen's thinking about economics include John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Hyman Minsky, Piero Sraffa, Augusto Graziani, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Thorstein Veblen, and François Quesnay.



  2. Crispy Zombie Animation

    My thoughts on the UBI is the governments wont enact a UBI till something like a major crisis goes down.

  3. GhostOnTheHalfShell

    One thing to note with UBI is the need for non-market entities in the market place (see Business Interest wrt to housing). It's not exclusive to housing, the same can be applied to internet/web-access, power, water and to secured local food supply.

    A sufficiently large non-profit community owned (coop/church/non-profit) segment to housing etc prevents exploitative pricing. Vienna's social housing is a case in point.

    So I would suggest non-market entities are just as important because the stabilizing and maintain a low cost of living.

    Margrit Kennedy: Interest and Inflation Free Money — Margrit Kennedy (you can find it online) discusses how monopoly or oligopoly in housing can be prevented in the case of the wealthy looking to kept their hoard of value by hogging property (something we are afflicted with now)

  4. GhostOnTheHalfShell

    Also by raising the retirement age in France, older workers are denied the very liberty to pursue the things they care about. Of course for low wage men, they die around 70, so the real idea is to force them to work until they die. It's neoliberalism in a nutshell

  5. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    5:40 Ty what “sects and groups” are you trying to appease? 😉 name names! And you mean Global Warming, right? Not the Frank Luntz, oil industry funded complacent making phrase Climate Control… wait that’s not it… Change just happens… nope, not that one either… Climate Control Change Just Happens! That’s it! That’s the phrase they make people think! Those brilliant Fascists funded by the Koch Brothers, pipelining Libertarians to Fascism since the 1970s. So clever and cunning that bunch…

  6. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    19:00 “UBI in Alaska”… right… Hey Scott, is there still poverty in Alaska??? From the 2021 census bureau 10.4% of Alaskans STILL live in poverty, 36.6% Kusilvak Census area!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?

  7. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    29:25 “Healthcare Reform… on Good Faith”???? Ok here’s a little history, that everyone can easily find out. “Obamacare (a racist framing) was originally Romneycare in Massachusetts which was originally thought up and concocted in the Libertarian to Fascist Pipeline Think Tank of the Koch Brothers, the Heritage Foundation!!! There is nothing good faith about this!!! This is Authoritarian goon ideology that the Obama administration got duped into!!!!! C’mon now!!!

    Healthcare Security is as easy is lowering the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 0!!!!! That’s as simple as it gets! C’mon now!

  8. Steve – Dan???

  9. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    44:12 “Interfering with the market dynamics”???? Sounds like the INVISIBLE HAND at work there 🤣😂 and you don’t think your UBI scheme will “interfere with market dynamics”??? How about I just buy more and more shares on the stock market then with my UBI?? That’s what I’ll be doing! You give me free money, I’m going to take that free money and have it make more free money for me. I want free lunches! Give me more free lunches! Nom nom nom!! C’mon now!

  10. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    46:00 “What we should be doing, just trust people to buy what they feel they need most” 😂 TRUST ME, SCOTT!! You give me a UBI, I’m buying more shares of stock!! And not only me. My family!!! My friends!! Heck, you want creative??? I’m going to set up a group to help people buy more stock with that UBI. And I’m an Modern Money Investor now, we know exactly how the market works, so we’ll just take your money. Give me UBI, I’ll buy more and more shares! Trust me, I will, and so will all the people I know.

    • Gouger/rentier investment income = the best income in capitalism.

    • Michael de Sousa Cruz

      @Max0r847 our system is Chartalism. Capitalism and the other “isms” are Mythonomics, religion, they don’t understand our government and it’s monetary system.

  11. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    50:30 Hold the Phone!!! 😂 UBI and MORE TAXES?!?! On the Rich???? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂… UBI is officially DOA!!! 😂🤣

    • Well, it could be argued that neither UBI or a FJG will work well, though especially a UBI, without directly confronting both the ontology and morality of competitive accumulation/dispossession directly as an evil to be gotten rid of. That is the only politics that is viable at this point. The bulldog is unwilling to release his jaw from our necks. All we can do now is start stabbing it to death.

  12. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    1:05:41 “So doesn’t the concept [UBI] go back at least to IRONICALLY Milton Friedman”
    You should be weary of ANY idea that comes from Milton Friedman!!!
    His Friedman Doctrine of 1971 along with the Lewis Powell Memo started this whole cascade of Libertarianism to Fascism and it’s deadly consequences socially, politically, economically and ecologically that we are currently dealing with.
    That should be enough for you to take pause on UBI!!! … but alas… it’s not… oops 😬🤷‍♂️

  13. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    Look, my biggest question for you Steve and Ty is HAVE YOU MODELED A UBI IN MINSKY???
    Too much talk, we need substance.

    • I do have something in the works, but because I want it to be unbiased, I'm making sure it is right, and will need it peer reviewed in some fashion by an unbiased group before I publish any findings. So yes I am.

    • Michael de Sousa Cruz

      @Ty Keynes good! Can’t wait to see it! This talk bothers me.

  14. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    1:26:24 Daniel, please, more disrespect and more devil’s advocate. And read Mark Johnson since you’re a philosopher.

  15. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    1:29:47 “Authoritarianism Rising” yes I’m worried about this too Scott, but here’s the problem, so called “progressive” ideas are coming from libertarian to fascist pipeline think tanks, such as UBJ, begun in the 1970s by the Koch brothers, Olin, Mellon-Scaife with Milton Friedman, & Lewis Powell. This information is out in the open for anyone with OPEN EYES to see and read. You’ve been duped! This is REGRESSIVE! This only helps the Authoritarianism to Rise.

  16. Thedeepseanomad

    If astroid mining becomes a thing, we better set up open sourced organizations to mine some of them them as commons in a sustainable and organized way.

    We could have a private sector of the astroid belts that is tax-free (perhaps up ubtil a certain tonage extracted/sold) a commons tax free sector, and a global admin sector.

  17. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    1:30:40 Scott: “just a welfare thing” Scott, how dare you belittle a principle of our US Constitution like the Libertarian to Fascists have been doing for 50+ years?!?!
    “Promote the General Welfare”
    It’s in our Constitution, it’s a founding principle of what it means to be AMERICAN! How dare you speak disparagingly of the word Welfare? That’s UnAmerican! Exactly what the Authoritarians (Libertarian to Fascists) say! How dare you! Shame on you! Shame!

  18. Michael de Sousa Cruz

    1:31:07 Elon Musk, through his Corporation, is an Agent of the Government. EVERY Corporation is an Agent of the Government. The Government decides the rules a Corporation follows. The government decides what a corporation can and can’t do. The government determines whether or not a corporation exists or not. Once you realize this, everything becomes more clear about what we, as a people through our government, do with our agents, banks and corporations. C’mon now. Teddy Roosevelt knew this, you deserve to know it too!

  19. UBI is shameful macro economics (fallacy of composition) illiterate crap.

    It won't ever reach the 'life essentials, voiding need to work level' – that is universally falsely 'marketed'. But even at the pittance, subsidy-for-low-pay-employers level, the political push for privatisation of all remaining public services will be overwhelming from the 'Gov (fake) debt' scolds.

    Remember, these people have a monopoly over all mass media channels – monetary system reality as given by MMT has penetrated this wall of misinformation no more than it did 10 or 20yrs ago. UBI is a neoliberal trojan horse policy on steroids, and no 'western' country I see has any labour class interests served now in mainstream politics, at all. If UBI gets picked up, it won't be packaged to give any benefit to the poor, working poor included – it will only advance the move to privatisation of all public services (''ve got your free money now citizen, f* off with your 'needs'..').

    There is only one 'first step' policy really worth pursuing for the labour class majority – we need to open the gate to public discourse which is presently closed to ~90% of pop. (labour class) citizens, & meaningful universal suffrage 'democracy' which present mass media control & ownership excludes by definition.

    Until we take this first step to open the way, nothing will change (except to get worse, continuing last 40+yrs of s*t), & self-serving de facto ruling rich elites will send us over the climate/ecological cliff as absolute certainty. (If they ever realise they die too, it will be decades too late to act by then – may already be the case.)

    What policy is this first step? Diversify mass media to include the voices & economic/social needs of the ~90% of pop. labour class.

    Best way to do this is have Gov create a new Commons, Common Ownership mass media sector, devoid of all private funding, and of comparable/equal GDP size to incumbent private media sector. But to exclude centralised Gov/appointee control as far as possible (some basic regulation needed of eligibility), the Gov funds are disbursed via an annual Commons media voucher gifted to every citizen.

  20. Steve is just very good an mountains climber !!!!

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