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Are Worker Unions Collapsing?

Jim Stanford is a Canadian economist and founder of the Progressive Economics Forum. He holds a master's degree in economics from Cambridge University and a doctorate from the New School for Social Research. He is author of a column for the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail. In 2016 Stanford relocated to Australia, where he is the founding director of the Centre for the Future of Work, a non-partisan research organization funded by the public policy think tanks, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and The Australia Institute. He is also a regular contributor on economics to Huffington Post Australia. Website:

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Jim Stanford is a Canadian economist and founder of the Progressive Economics Forum. He holds a master's degree in economics from Cambridge University and a doctorate from the New School for Social Research. He is author of a column for the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail. In 2016 Stanford relocated to Australia, where he is the founding director of the Centre for the Future of Work, a non-partisan research organization funded by the public policy think tanks, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and The Australia Institute. He is also a regular contributor on economics to Huffington Post Australia.

Steve Keen
Steve Keen (born 28 March 1953) is an Australian-born, British-based economist and author. He considers himself a post-Keynesian, criticising neoclassical economics as inconsistent, unscientific and empirically unsupported. The major influences on Keen's thinking about economics include John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Hyman Minsky, Piero Sraffa, Augusto Graziani, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Thorstein Veblen, and François Quesnay.


  1. Open borders and mass migration have destroyed the unions. Wage reductions loss of benefits and rights slave wages and higher rents and higher houae prices to keep the workers debt enslaved and in fear.

  2. @GhostOnTheHalfShell

    great show.. even if i was too busy pushing buttons to snark in chat.

  3. Richard Denniss, "White hot rage" covers most of it.

  4. This was one of the best livestreams yet! Even though Jim made fun of me, I still like him.

  5. Sometime in the future can you do a program on ecological economics and in particular discuss the genuine progress indicator.

  6. @GhostOnTheHalfShell

    Neoliberalism is an ask that a people surrender their sovereignty to total rule by wealth, 'nut said.

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