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Home / Video / Shock and Awe: Barrier to Islamic approach to Economics

Shock and Awe: Barrier to Islamic approach to Economics

[] Part 3 of talk on How Islam applies to economics. Discusses how conventional approach is based on absurd assumptions, but shock and awe of West prevents us from questioning and criticizing. Islam offers radical alternatives based on cooperation, generosity, social responsibility, to conventional market system based on competition, greed, individuallism and hedonism.

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[] Part 3 of talk on How Islam applies to economics. Discusses how conventional approach is based on absurd assumptions, but shock and awe of West prevents us from questioning and criticizing. Islam offers radical alternatives based on cooperation, generosity, social responsibility, to conventional market system based on competition, greed, individuallism and hedonism.

Asad Zaman
Physician executive. All opinions are my personal. It is okay for me to be confused as I’m learning every day. Judge me and be confused as well.

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