EN What would the society without financial markets, commercial banks, corporations and labour markets as we know them, look like? What Yanis Varoufakis, a world-renowned economist, outlines in his last book – Another now, is the image of a society after capitalism, a form of liberal socialism, which aims to eradicate inequality and rebuild the society on authentic humanism. Is Another Now a socio-economical utopia or are we dealing here with a concept, which is truly within the humankind’s reach? Another Now as a bold concept of a social change, its ambitions, intricacies and limits will be a subject of the online debate with the author, Yanis Varoufakis. Debate will be moderated by Tomáš Hučko and Marek Pavlík Supported using public funds by Slovak Arts Council. SK Yanis
Yanis Varoufakis considers the following as important:
This could be interesting, too:
EN What would the society without financial markets, commercial banks, corporations and labour markets as we know them, look like? What Yanis Varoufakis, a world-renowned economist, outlines in his last book – Another now, is the image of a society after capitalism, a form of liberal socialism, which aims to eradicate inequality and rebuild the society on authentic humanism. Is Another Now a socio-economical utopia or are we dealing here with a concept, which is truly within the humankind’s reach? Another Now as a bold concept of a social change, its ambitions, intricacies and limits will be a subject of the online debate with the author, Yanis Varoufakis. Debate will be moderated by Tomáš Hučko and Marek Pavlík Supported using public funds by Slovak Arts Council. SK Yanis
Yanis Varoufakis considers the following as important:
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EN What would the society without financial markets, commercial banks, corporations and labour markets as we know them, look like? What Yanis Varoufakis, a world-renowned economist, outlines in his last book – Another now, is the image of a society after capitalism, a form of liberal socialism, which aims to eradicate inequality and rebuild the society on authentic humanism. Is Another Now a socio-economical utopia or are we dealing here with a concept, which is truly within the humankind’s reach? Another Now as a bold concept of a social change, its ambitions, intricacies and limits will be a subject of the online debate with the author, Yanis Varoufakis. Debate will be moderated by Tomáš Hučko and Marek Pavlík Supported using public funds by Slovak Arts Council. SK Yanis Varoufakis je grécky ekonóm, dlho pôsobil ako profesor ekonómie na univerzitách v Británii, Austrálii a USA. V roku 2015 bol ministrom financií v prvej vláde Alexisa Tsiprasa. V roku 2016 založil grassrootové hnutie DiEM-25 a v roku 2018 spolu so senátorom Bernie Sandersom medzinárodnú ľavicovú organizáciu Progressive International. Je autorom kníh Dospeláci v miestnosti (Absynt, 2019) a Talking to my daughter: A Brief History of Capitalism. Budeme sa s ním rozprávať o jeho novej knihe „Another now“. Ako by vyzerala spoločnosť bez finančných trhov, obchodných bánk, korporácií a trhu práce? Varoufakis vo svojej poslednej knihe „Antoher now“ načrtáva obraz spoločnosti po kapitalizme: typ liberálneho socializmu, ktorý sa usiluje o odstránenie nespravodlivosti a prestavbu spoločnosti na skutočnom humanizme. Je „Another now“ socio-ekonomická utópia alebo máme čo dočinenia so skutočne dosiahnuteľným konceptom? Diskusiu povedú Marek Pavlík a Tomáš Hučko. Z verejných zdrojov podporil Fond na podporu umenia. |