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Home / Video / VAROUFAKIS announced the disintegration of the eurozone and Germany was the first country to leave.

VAROUFAKIS announced the disintegration of the eurozone and Germany was the first country to leave.

YANIS VAROUFAKIS claimed the break up of the eurozone would not be because of crisis-hit Greece or Italy but because of Germany, with Berlin the first capital to drop out of the monetary union and print Deutsche Marks. Ten years after the financial crisis, Europe’s economy achieved a recovery, but not a complete revival. Low inflation, low interest rates and low growth were the new normal across the eurozone. Then, the pandemic hit, causing incredible damages to the economies of countless countries.

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YANIS VAROUFAKIS claimed the break up of the eurozone would not be because of crisis-hit Greece or Italy but because of Germany, with Berlin the first capital to drop out of the monetary union and print Deutsche Marks. Ten years after the financial crisis, Europe’s economy achieved a recovery, but not a complete revival. Low inflation, low interest rates and low growth were the new normal across the eurozone. Then, the pandemic hit, causing incredible damages to the economies of countless countries.
Yanis Varoufakis
An accidental economist Let me begin with a confession: I am a Professor of Economics who has never really trained as an economist. But let’s take things one at a time.

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