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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Daniel José Camacho – Can We Afford Economic Justice in the United States?

Daniel José Camacho – Can We Afford Economic Justice in the United States?

Daniel José Camacho isa Christian and he weaves a lot of Christianity, spiritually, and metaphysics into this article. He sees MMT as an economic system that can do a lot off good and this due him opens it up to spirituality. No wonder we get a lot into spirituality and metaphysics here at times. He believes that MMT can bring about economic justice. “How can we afford it?” That’s the perennial question that confronts anyone who dares to propose progressive policy changes. A recent example is CNN’s Jake Tapper grilling congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over whether tax money could fund items on her platform such as Medicare for all, a federal job guarantee, and the cancelation of student loan debt. For those who are religious and politically progressive, this question is

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 Daniel José Camacho isa Christian and he weaves a lot of Christianity, spiritually, and metaphysics into this article. He sees MMT as an economic system that can do a lot off good and this due him opens it up to spirituality. No wonder we get a lot into spirituality and metaphysics here at times. He believes that MMT can bring about economic justice.

“How can we afford it?” That’s the perennial question that confronts anyone who dares to propose progressive policy changes. A recent example is CNN’s Jake Tapper grilling congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over whether tax money could fund items on her platform such as Medicare for all, a federal job guarantee, and the cancelation of student loan debt. For those who are religious and politically progressive, this question is particularly challenging. While many are good at articulating the moral imperative of providing health care to all or protecting the environment, they can stumble on the issue of economic feasibility. So, when I was told about an economics conference in New York City that might connect to this topic, I was intrigued.

Some believe that MMT’s brand of economics raises important questions that spill over into religion and metaphysics. That’s what Scott Ferguson, a professor in the Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of South Florida, argues in his book Declarations of Dependence: Money, Aesthetics, and the Politics of Care.


Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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