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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Economic Collapse Is Coming! China ‘Weaponize’ Yuan For Dollar Collapse – 2018 Stock Market CRASH!

Economic Collapse Is Coming! China ‘Weaponize’ Yuan For Dollar Collapse – 2018 Stock Market CRASH!

Whenever I see something titled like this, I think it is by some very right wing conservative, or conspiracy theorist, getting all worked up about the national debt - 'there's going be seen economic collapse!'. But this video isn't like that, but only you guys as economists and traders will know how accurate it is. It's full of charts and figures, many from leading newspapers. Is it alarmist, or is it about right?According to this video, Trump is a disaster - but so were the Democrats wanting war with Russia. Trump is going to hit his voters hard with the trade sanctions with China and could loose his base. But Trump is also imposing economic sanctions on Europe.Neoliberalism was sold to us as a way of improving our economic situation. 'Let the job creators and the entrepreneurial spirit

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Whenever I see something titled like this, I think it is by some very right wing conservative, or conspiracy theorist, getting all worked up about the national debt - 'there's going be seen economic collapse!'. But this video isn't like that, but only you guys as economists and traders will know how accurate it is. It's full of charts and figures, many from leading newspapers. Is it alarmist, or is it about right?

According to this video, Trump is a disaster - but so were the Democrats wanting war with Russia. Trump is going to hit his voters hard with the trade sanctions with China and could loose his base. But Trump is also imposing economic sanctions on Europe.

Neoliberalism was sold to us as a way of improving our economic situation. 'Let the job creators and the entrepreneurial spirit loose and we will all benefit '. But we've all ended up poorer. The US could have been well ahead in technology, but they gave all their know how to China for short term financial gains and the multimillionaires became multi-biliionaires. With stock buy backs, rather than investing, China is zooming ahead of us. Sour grapes! But the commentary under the video blames China for the problem.

It seems to be true, that Trump and Bannon wanted peace with Christian Russia to start hostilities towards China. Trump was never the peace candidate. We were duped!

The most incredible video of the imminent economic collapse and a major stock market crash.
Can we avoid the global economic collapse during this trade war between the two largest economies on the entire planet?  We have never seen anything like this happen in the modern age, and this is creating a tremendous amount of uncertainty for the financial markets.  China has been stealing our intellectual property, manipulating currency rates and slapping high tariffs on American goods. We simply could not allow China to continue to take advantage of us, but now we are so dependent on the Chinese that a trade war with them is going to inevitably produce a major economic collapse and stock market crash.  We are all going to wish that another way could have been found to resolve this economic crisis, because in the short-term this is definitely going to hurt the U.S. economy and causing a major economic collapse.  And if President Trump chooses to press forward with trade wars against Europe, Canada and Mexico at the same time as well, the pain for our economy is going to be off the charts.

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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