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Home / Mosler Economics / Saudi Aramco Seen Increasing July Oil Premium for Asia Customers

Saudi Aramco Seen Increasing July Oil Premium for Asia Customers

The higher prices likely indicate a change in policy from that of putting downward pressure on prices to a more neutral stance. Might have something to due with the last change in oil ministers. We will know more when this latest chart of the history of discounts/premiums is updated: Saudi Aramco Seen Increasing July Oil Premium for Asia CustomersBy Serene Cheong and Sharon Cho(Bloomberg) — Saudi Aramco may widen Arab Light premium by 40c/bbl for July sales to Asia, accord. to median est. in Bloomberg survey of 5 refiners, traders.July Arab Light OSP fcast at 65c/bbl above Oman-Dubai bmark vs 25c/bbl premium for JuneJune OSP increased by .10 m/m vs fcast of 65c gain in a survey last mo.For July OSP, 3 participants est. premium to rise 30-40c, 2 predict 50c-60c increaseCo.

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The higher prices likely indicate a change in policy from that of putting downward pressure on prices to a more neutral stance.

Might have something to due with the last change in oil ministers.

We will know more when this latest chart of the history of discounts/premiums is updated:
Saudi Aramco Seen Increasing July Oil Premium for Asia Customers

Saudi Aramco Seen Increasing July Oil Premium for Asia Customers

By Serene Cheong and Sharon Cho

(Bloomberg) — Saudi Aramco may widen Arab Light premium by 40c/bbl for July sales to Asia, accord. to median est. in Bloomberg survey of 5 refiners, traders.

July Arab Light OSP fcast at 65c/bbl above Oman-Dubai bmark vs 25c/bbl premium for June

June OSP increased by $1.10 m/m vs fcast of 65c gain in a survey last mo.

For July OSP, 3 participants est. premium to rise 30-40c, 2 predict 50c-60c increase

Co. may announce OSP for July shipments in next few days

READ: Saudis Raise Oil Pricing for Asia by Most Since April Last Year

Warren Mosler is an American economist and theorist, and one of the leading voices in the field of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Presently, Warren resides on St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, where he owns and operates Valance Co., Inc.

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