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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Sputnik — Hong Kong’s [Chief Executive] Lam Blasts US for ‘Double Standard’ Security Law Criticism Amid Protest Repressions

Sputnik — Hong Kong’s [Chief Executive] Lam Blasts US for ‘Double Standard’ Security Law Criticism Amid Protest Repressions

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam sharply criticized the US on Tuesday for applying a “double standard” to the city’s new national security law being drafted by Beijing, as the US has seen widespread police repression and violence against Black Lives Matter protesters.... The new law comes after months long destructive protests in Hong Kong against further incorporation into China that were fueled by Western support. However, while Washington extensively criticized the Hong Kong police’s handling of the protests, now the US is seeing its own mass demonstrations and meeting them with even greater repressive force. “For some countries that have had a high-profile response and claimed they will take action, I can only describe them as upholding double standards,” Lam said at a Tuesday

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Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam sharply criticized the US on Tuesday for applying a “double standard” to the city’s new national security law being drafted by Beijing, as the US has seen widespread police repression and violence against Black Lives Matter protesters....
The new law comes after months long destructive protests in Hong Kong against further incorporation into China that were fueled by Western support. However, while Washington extensively criticized the Hong Kong police’s handling of the protests, now the US is seeing its own mass demonstrations and meeting them with even greater repressive force.
“For some countries that have had a high-profile response and claimed they will take action, I can only describe them as upholding double standards,” Lam said at a Tuesday news conference. “They value very much their own national security but are biased in viewing ours.”...
Sputnik International
Hong Kong’s [Chief Executive] Lam Blasts US for ‘Double Standard’ Security Law Criticism Amid Protest Repressions
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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