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“Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Arundhati Roy

Arundhati Roy reminds us that systemic racism and ethnic bias is widespread in societies and cultures. ...nobody is above racism. It takes different forms in different places. In South Africa for example, there is xenophobia from Black South Africans towards Nigerians and Africans from other African countries. And as we know, caste oppression, Brahminism, is practiced by every caste that oppresses the caste below it and that goes all the way down the ladder even within the political category of ‘Dalit’ as you yourself have experienced in your own struggles. Stare at anything long enough and it will always turn out to be more complicated than the rhetoric around it. But rhetoric is important. It provides a framework for people to organize their thoughts. Everyone is subject to

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Arundhati Roy reminds us that systemic racism and ethnic bias is widespread in societies and cultures.
...nobody is above racism. It takes different forms in different places. In South Africa for example, there is xenophobia from Black South Africans towards Nigerians and Africans from other African countries. And as we know, caste oppression, Brahminism, is practiced by every caste that oppresses the caste below it and that goes all the way down the ladder even within the political category of ‘Dalit’ as you yourself have experienced in your own struggles. Stare at anything long enough and it will always turn out to be more complicated than the rhetoric around it. But rhetoric is important. It provides a framework for people to organize their thoughts.
Everyone is subject to cognitive-affective bias that influence thinking, feeling, reasoning, volition and behavior. 

Evolution predisposes individuals and groups to bias against difference as a way of preserving and transmitting individual genetic material both as individuals and in kinship groups. While this is a predisposition, humans are also rational can rise above particularity through the ability of reason to grasp universality. 

All are a prisoners of their own minds and the collective consciousness of the group, e.g., as reflected in cultures and institutions. But there are escape hatches built in, too. We just have to find them and open them. Simple in the saying, but not easy in practice.

MR Online
“Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Arundhati Roy
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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