Tuesday , July 2 2024
Home / Video / Further correction is now likely.

Further correction is now likely.

Falling corporation income taxes suggest a slowdown may be underway. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. https://www.pitbulleconomics.com/mmt-trader/?s2-ssl=yes/ Download my podcasts! New one every week. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1105286

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

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Falling corporation income taxes suggest a slowdown may be underway.

Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. https://www.pitbulleconomics.com/mmt-trader/?s2-ssl=yes/

Download my podcasts! New one every week. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1105286
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. There may very well be more correction in the future but the premiums may go a lot higher.

  2. The truth is that we don't know where the market is going and how deep the manipulations are……….risk management is your only friend.

  3. Too much good news came out today. Bad news pumps this market

  4. i had a very good wk and am in a big cash position ready to get my bottom feedin on……..

    • @Mr Wolf cool name, I've done 1 as justin casey… after seeing today's fall i got out of JPM in ah with a profit. I'll be looking to reenter below my previous buy price.

  5. Mike you are the man.. love this macro analysis !

  6. I thought the flow is too strong ? its a mental game! U loose it mike. Make ur mind

    • garyseeseverything

      Mike is giving his analysis, he made that clear his job is to to give us real time flows. Short term Mike isnt perfect but he’s damn good. Long term he’s is a money making machine!

  7. So should we SELL or HOLD?

  8. i don't understand you. first you say the stock market is toast, then you come out and say we're rallying to all time highs and now you're saying further correction???

    • A broken watch is right twice a day

    • kurt mason you either don’t listen or have a comprehension problem. Back in July I said the economy was at risk because we were facing a FISCAL CLIFF due to tax payments and the end of the $600 supplemental unemployment benefits. But soon after that I made a video saying THE FISCAL CLIFF DIDN’T HAPPEN. Spending continued to rise and even accelerate, so I said the market was going higher, which it did. Anyway, other factors have emerged. I can’t sit here and teach you comprehension.

    • ya nobody knows, lol do your own risk management

  9. Great work Mike!

  10. Mike, I have no clue where the market is going, no one really does, but the market moves on tomorrows data. Not today's. You are reading a history book. Appreciate the material your putting out there.

  11. ?BREAKING NEWS? : Rumors are surfacing that Vladimir Putin was responsible for tricking Nancy PepsiCola into her secret salon appointment. Hiden Biden formerly known as Sleepy Joe Biden will avoid answering questions from reporters until ground hogs day where it is expected he will finally see his own shadow ?

  12. Finance & Economics

    An '87 style Crash is necessary

  13. Mike should stop making predictions. He's made some wrong calls recently and that is eroding his credibility. That behaviour doesn't seem to be in keeping with the application of MMT, as well as the mindset that needs to accompany it. What's up Mike? You know better than this. Keep your opinions to yourself and show us your and your subscribers' stats. That will speak better than anything for you. I learn a lot from you, yet, I've been dismayed by your recent forecasts (fiscal cliff, market rally). I want the old Mike back.

  14. The real reason for 5G is being rolled out is not for amazing new gadgets, but for digital currency with instant payments and 100% surveillance. This Pandemic is being used to not only suppress the protests against 5G but to accomplish it in time for the replacement of the monetary system with a new digital currency among nations. They allowed BitCoin and others to pave the way, but now it will be time to outlaw private cryptocurrencies and force them into government digital currencies.

  15. Mike it's alright. No one has perfect foresight. Even the best of the best make mistakes.

  16. So smart, market goes up, its going to go up more, market goes down, its going to go down more!

  17. garyseeseverything

    Thanks Mike!

  18. AAII shows more 27 people are unsure. That is an indicator in its own right. Market takes a breather..no big deal!

  19. Buy the dip. Once Washington passes the next 2-3 trillion dollar stimulus package will see another melt up for 6-9 months dow 33k S&P 4k and Nasdaq 15k.

  20. Hei Mike, I'm a novice trader (2years in) and i just discovered your work. Can you please tell me if you are planning another course on Forex soon? thank you in advance.

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