Saturday , October 5 2024
Home / Video / Some honest words from me.

Some honest words from me.

Honesty is the best policy, and I wish everyone the best.

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

This could be interesting, too:

Michael Hudson writes Why the War in Ukraine is Meant to Drag On: Strategic Goals, European Discontent, and NATO’s Role

Mike Norman writes Modern Monetary Theory film proves finding the cash isn’t the problem — William Thomson

Bill Haskell writes Manufactured Evidence of Voter Fraud

NewDealdemocrat writes Manufacturing remains in contraction, with construction on the brink

Honesty is the best policy, and I wish everyone the best.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. You've been short the dollar and long gold… Has your longterm view changed… Are you in a drawdown? Charging mandem $1200

  2. I wonder if Mike Norman met Mike Ross at Harvard?

  3. Baltic dry index down lol I can't wait to see Burry get short squeezed on TLT

  4. "Be Bold and Mighty Forces will Come to Your Aid"

  5. You had a drink before you did this video Mike?

  6. Fuck freight

  7. Fuck capitalism

  8. Fuck totalitarianism

  9. I learned much about mental game from you on YouTube. I always say your the best in the market.

  10. We love you too Mike ?

  11. Cheers Mike. I appreciate these daily pep talks. But I love the intellectual fruit that comes with them. I've been reading macroeconomics for six years now, focussed on MMT. Your applied stance really fills some gaps and answers a lot of the "but what about" questions people tend to raise.

  12. With all due respect man. A $1000 subscription is not helping people, it is helping the 1 per centers, just like the government does.What if Jesus just treated and preached for the rich and not the regular folk? Or Moses lead 1 rich dude out of the desert? That wouldn't be too Godly, would it?

  13. Love the mental game stuff, Mike. You just prompted me to make a move on something I’ve been putting off. Thank you

  14. American Exploring

    I was not convinced with all that talk. Just be honest and tell the truth. If the little guys don't want your service then they can leave. You should be happy that the big boys and the little ones want your service. Like I said before I'm a big fan of Mike Norman but honesty is the best play.

  15. Sound words again, Mike! You've been on the sauce though, but man, you deserve it! Keep up the great work. Dude you need to run the IMF or World Bank as you'd go great things. The amount of people that follow you and listen to what you say should say a lot. You're 19 years older than and I am not a subscriber but what you say changed my life. I have 2 kids at 45 and no mortgage because people like you made me open my eyes some years ago. Between you, Buffett and the Norwegian Oil fund, you taught me patience and things are looking good for me and my family thanks to you posting stuff like this. Ignore the haters dude as they are ignorant. FYI – Peter Schiff has been banging on about the US and the rest of the world going down the toilet again today. He'll be right one day, maybe in like 2*10^6 years LOL. He's making money from fear selling his gold but the thing I wonder is that if he loves his gold, why is he selling it? If MMT is a 'cult', then sign me up man!

  16. Drunken gibberish

  17. Ma’am, this a Wendy’s.

  18. Mike, if you "love all of us", then why do you ignore comments/questions from people who've been following you, and been supportive, for a few years, and instead spend time responding to haters? You're always preaching advice about how others should improve – maybe you need to improve too.

  19. An idea of lack is to rise the price of your service…

    good luck with that idea… ?

  20. Getting rich slow is easy. Who wants to be a rich 70yo?? Go out and buy some jet skis? Life is short. Getting rich fast is better and harder

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