Saturday , September 28 2024
Home / Video / Back in NYC. Don’t expect a market correction.

Back in NYC. Don’t expect a market correction.

Fiscal flows are too strong. Any dips we get will be shallow and brief.

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

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Fiscal flows are too strong. Any dips we get will be shallow and brief.
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. Hi ? Mike!

  2. Glad you are stateside mike

  3. “It’s all about the fiscal” Mike Norman

  4. Hi Mike! Crazy enough, we just moved to Neuchatel. We are from Poland and I watch you for awhile. Now we we will live in CH for few years and you said you were in CH for 10 years! Crazy haha! Funny enough my other favourite youtuber (crypto) InvestAnswers also lived in CH so there must be something in this country. Cheers!

  5. Glad to see you back in NYC and back to your old self speaking the truth and teaching the smart ones that wish to listen the truth.

  6. Thanks, Mike? Welcome home.

  7. Mike how come the Turkish Lira does not stop going down if they are lowering rates?

    • There is still much adjustment to do. Money is being injected into Turkey for free and that is causing the inflation. If they were serious they would reduce the interest rates to zero, limit government spending and maintain the current tax levels. That would quickly drain the excess Lira in the system, which would bring price inflation under control.

    • @Neil Wilson they are already only spending ard 5% on budget deficits annually and have done that for years. As i have understand, Its the private sector driving up debts in foreign currencies.

    • Mike Norman MMT Economics

      Record fiscal deficit and a trade deficit. (Although the latter is narrowing rapidly due to the fall in the Lira.)

  8. The market is hinging on 3 trillion dollar turtles. The rest are just flushing into the toilet. This bubble deflation is very well orchestrated.

  9. Fiscal will probably drop come the 15th December wen the child tax credits end.

  10. Mike…I will say it again…WE LOVE YOU BRO!

  11. In all seriousness I used to despise you but over a year of personal change Mr. Norman has become my market father so to speak and I wait with baited breath for his content. Unbelievable man always giving it straight to “traders” who really want to be that great speculator .

  12. Sorry Mike, but inflation is real and it's going higher.

  13. i've read corporates/ businesses and industrial loans are being taken out to conduct stock buybacks. i could be wrong.

  14. You the man!

  15. Great MMT Report this week!!!! Great stuff!!!

  16. Glad to see ya back in NY after a safe trip visiting your son. If he's anything like his Dad, he mist be on heck of a guy! Peace

  17. Very cool! Swizz

  18. I visited Switzerland a couple times in 80s and 90s. Staid at Zermett and also skied there. Remarkable country, glad to hear it hasn't changed.

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