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Everything looks horrible, but…

The news is horrible. Inflation, rate hikes, Fed, war, but is it a moment to jettison the fear?

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The news is horrible. Inflation, rate hikes, Fed, war, but is it a moment to jettison the fear?
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. This was wildly pro Putin. Must be vodka in that glass !

    • 20 years in Afghanistan for no reason blowing trillions of dollars. Now the pentagon wants to get Ukraine to join Nato so they can put missiles there right in Russia's backyard. It's like cuban missle crisis all over again except for the russians this time. Nuclear war almost broke out that time except this one submarine captain named Vasili Arkhipov said I'm not launching the missiles. If we didn't have that guy the world would be a nuclear wasteland.

      I hold LMT and NOC in my portfolio because the MIC is too big to fail but one of these days all this aggressive intervention is going to get everyone in trouble.

    • @Taco are you bullish TLT here? I’m thinking about picking some up.

    • omg just look up a map of NATO, and look up the last f35s sales. Russia does not want to invade anything they want to trade something other than gas since they're running short anyway. But we have pro war idiots like yall, who are accusing russia of putting troops around THEIR country to make sure rebels and foreign intelligence/military dont get into their country. You guys still think they are some type of soviet union baby when they are some of the most liberal out there.

    • @Taco exctly

    • sonofa vietnamveteran

      good i don't trust neocon bastards of our west one bit after their dismal failures of the last at least 3 decades. the american ppl have no idea that its govt is funding arms etc on fed printed money clocking up 30 trillion in national debt against them but they'd still be too stupid & continue to hate on china and russia for their own internal problem which is gutlessness to challenge their govt to take action on rectifying mass inequity their middle class is too stupid fighting one another about some idiotic left vs right right vs left thing

  2. love the videos Mike great insight enjoy the weekend

  3. I read that this is a war promoted by the WEF to cover up their raiding? of pension funds. Is this correct or even plausible?

  4. Cheers Mike! Thank you.

  5. USA worst terrorists out there🙈

  6. "Friday Mike" is my fav…the eyes tell all.

  7. Mikey boi – bestttttt daily updates on the UTube. Keep em coming my man !

  8. fuck it let them take ukraine , was russia before anyway and most people in ukraine not against it , why risk ww3 for that…..

  9. Russia clearly does not want a war and is not invading ukraine or even threatened to. But I see every single day pro NATO pro war propaganda, and accusing russia or mistranslating and misrepresenting what Putin has said.

    • are you serious? 120,000 men and equipment moved near the border of another country is not threatening war???????

    • @Ray OK they are still in russia, because of rebels and military and intelligence from nato countries wanting to go in russia and control the pipeline of ukraine.

    • @Nicholas Gomez you are ignorant on anything you are attempting to talk about its laughable. The troops are still in russia on their border to be sure no rebels from ukraine and nato-financed militias and other seperatists further destroy ukraine and the pipeline. Also the plane was shot down by the rebels, who are using russian equipment. Same situation as any middle east or african conflict. Rebels with western or eastern weapons, probably gotten from illegal arms trafficking and shadown government intelligence. Putin and most of his liberal government would never even think of doing this with their absolutely inferior military power.

    • @Menneh Gambia NATO threatened to go into Russia?

    • @Menneh Gambia hit a nerve did I?

  10. បេះដូង

    Mike is pissed off two days in a row. LOL. How's your dollar cost averaging going? Didn't I tell you to get in and out quickly. Scalping and swing trades are the answers in this market as we might go nowhere for the rest of the year. We might be heading to a crash and a long period of recession. Everything unfolds as Michael Burry predicted a year ago. What a genius he is! And you repeatedly made fun of him. LOL

  11. These fiscal flows seem to flip flop way too often. Is it like a light switch? Cuz I thought things like that should be a bit stable towards each side. Yet, they switch-flow back and forth every day.

  12. Why is Putin buying copious amounts of gold? Idk, maybe he knows something.

  13. Great work as always!

  14. Russia has mobilized up to the border, including inside Belarus. NATO had to do something. Putin is playing them for higher gas and oil.

  15. Wars begin when you will, but they do not end when you please.

  16. Lumber..temporary…Oil…cartel…War rhetoric plays into Putin's hands and Russia's oil and gas exports…seems noise.

  17. Mike, I don't think you took into account that the surplus in January was helped by $70 billion in proceeds from a wireless spectrum auction

  18. Mike, please watch the newest video will Jeff Snider. Search Emil Kalinowski on YouTube and you will see the latest video. I think even you would be impressed with Jeff.

  19. Lol. Your MMT bullshit is falling apart now that inflation is picking up, predictably.

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