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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Why Washington Has Lost Its Mind Over Ukraine — David C. Hendrickson

Why Washington Has Lost Its Mind Over Ukraine — David C. Hendrickson

Important backgrounder including an historical account of how we got here. A bit longish but well worth the read for an American analysis that confronts a conventional narrative echoed in the corporate media that is naïve, biased or just made up, and based largely on mind-reading— Putin's, that is, but also "the Russian mindset."A lingering question remains. Did Washington’s alarmists really believe it themselves, or has consent been manufactured by a war scare whose utility they plainly saw, but the details of which they didn’t really believe? It’s a tough choice between the two, with alternative one telling us that they’ve been playing it straight and alternative two suggesting that we’ve all been the objects of a calculated plan by guys playing four-dimensional chess. The conclusion I

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Important backgrounder including an historical account of how we got here. A bit longish but well worth the read for an American analysis that confronts a conventional narrative echoed in the corporate media that is naïve, biased or just made up, and based largely on mind-reading— Putin's, that is, but also "the Russian mindset."
A lingering question remains. Did Washington’s alarmists really believe it themselves, or has consent been manufactured by a war scare whose utility they plainly saw, but the details of which they didn’t really believe? It’s a tough choice between the two, with alternative one telling us that they’ve been playing it straight and alternative two suggesting that we’ve all been the objects of a calculated plan by guys playing four-dimensional chess. The conclusion I reach, with some awkwardness, is that both alternatives, though seemingly contradictory, have been at play in Washington’s funhouse mirror, thick with distorted shapes and grotesque visages. What cannot be denied is that the war scare, with the media dutifully performing its stenographic role, has brought great advantages to the hawks....
The National Interest
Why Washington Has Lost Its Mind Over Ukraine | The National Interest
David C. Hendrickson | President of the John Quincy Adams Society
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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