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Home / Mike Norman Economics / “Monetary Base!” falls

“Monetary Base!” falls

Monetarists freaking out that their “Monetary Base!” has fallen over 20%…Aggghhhh! Welcome to the Global #liquidity cliff edge!Supply of all #USD Worldwide... including off-shore #Credit crunch ahead...@rbrtrmstrng @gnoble79 @leadlagreport— CrossBorder Capital (@crossbordercap) July 5, 2022 But it looks like the increased transfer to the Fed’s new RRP facility subtracts from their “monetary base!” …. so now all these monetarist’s are freaking out that we’re going to crash… The dumb Fed people add new reserves “to lend out!” to point where they put their own depositories into violation of their own regulations … so have to create a new accounting gimmick to remove reserves from depositories (that they just put in!) … so now other dumb monetarists freak out that

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Monetarists freaking out that their “Monetary Base!” has fallen over 20%…

But it looks like the increased transfer to the Fed’s new RRP facility subtracts from their “monetary base!” …. so now all these monetarist’s are freaking out that we’re going to crash… 

“Monetary Base!” falls

The dumb Fed people add new reserves “to lend out!” to point where they put their own depositories into violation of their own regulations … so have to create a new accounting gimmick to remove reserves from depositories (that they just put in!) … so now other dumb monetarists freak out that we’re going to crash….

And you leftoid guys here say this is all some “vast neoliberal conspiracy!” by all the crafty “neoliberals!” to get over on the poors… 🤔

Who is more stupid them or you guys?

They’re a lost cause…. So sorry to say imo it’s you guys… sober up….

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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