Saturday , September 28 2024
Home / Video / The Tucker Carlson firing shocked me.

The Tucker Carlson firing shocked me.

He had beliefs to do with promoting the dominion scandal. Why is Maria Bartiromo still there? Why is Judge Jeanine Pirro still there? Why is Susan Scott, CEO of Fox News, still there?

Mike Norman considers the following as important:

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He had beliefs to do with promoting the dominion scandal. Why is Maria Bartiromo still there? Why is Judge Jeanine Pirro still there? Why is Susan Scott, CEO of Fox News, still there?
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.


  1. followtitikmrmmt666

    thank you

  2. Your’e the right demo for Tucker lol

  3. I gotta say.. Your insights are very very educational.. I suspect you need to change your angle to get more subs. Youtube has certainly not paid what you're worth.
    So… give some more social commentary like this and it could start to attract views. However, be careful not to utter the words that you cannot utter on youtube.
    My fav youbuter, TIKHistory, does this. He knows when to sensor words.

  4. broaden your audience. Your specialty is investors wrt MMT… however your potential audience is much broader than this.

  5. Nothing makes me laugh more than when MSNBC or CNN narrates why the DOW went up or down 1% today.

  6. OMG.. NO… Mike.. Don't say journalists are overpaid… You're a journalist.

  7. I think you have to stay on youtube… else who can you complain to? seriously though.. you can join forces with the many patriot channels. Emil Cosman, TIKHistory, Jimmy Dore.. ets

  8. Overly_Literal_Guy

    So true but it gives me hope when I see Americans who can see through the avalanche of propaganda in our media and politics.

    • Yes. So many of us understand that Tucker and Fox News is a propaganda channel and generator of baseless conspiracy theories just flooding the zone with shit.

  9. Pretty much agree.

  10. AmazianLinsation82

    Mike, keep going with this channel, even if just to vent, we enjoy ur contents

  11. so Biden the guy who never left his basement and cannot string together a coherent sentence together s more popular than Barrack Obama ?? I find the probabilities of that to be extremely low.

  12. Fox isn’t news. Never was. Right wing propagandists

  13. I appreciated his contrarian views. But I never bought into his insane ideas.

  14. There are 535 members of Congress x 1 000 000 / Congressman = 535M. That is small change for US businesses.

    I don’t get why GOP populists did not insist for election reform???

  15. Everything is driven by ratings and sales? Are you insane? The entire media complex is failing because they put narrative over everything else. It's not just the media. Look at what they did to Star Wars. Narrative pushing is the NUMBER ONE GOAL, not sales and not clicks.

  16. ❤👁

  17. seriously? DUDE!… i wasnt suprised at all. i could say SOOOO MUCH bout cucker tarlson. not a fan nor watched cuz he was too low level infoist (for lack of better words). heres what happened told in 1976.

    i'm glad cucker blew the lid on JANteenrh BUT I ALREADY KNEW! the jan 6 stock cell ph footage i seen on the day it happened. ppl that were breakin' stuff never got arrested or charged, those who didnt eter the capital are in prison with 0 charges. 60 min last wk had on epps. when was the last time you seen any news outlet give compassion to a trumplican MAGA "maggot"? lol they want em all dead or in prison. jan 5 "baked alaska" at night got epps on cam sayin "YOU NEED TO GO INTO THE CAPITAL!" unlike epps, baked alaska did hard time. is it cuz he at that moment exposed a fed op? cucker mentione epps many times, as did cruz in the senate… now im no fan of cruz as he catagorized those in janteenth to later walk it back.

  18. Tucker is a horrible person. I hope he is given a lot of free time so he can spend it tanning his testicles.

  19. Tucker and Fox News is a propaganda channel and generator of baseless conspiracy theories just flooding the zone with shit.

  20. loving hearing your vents and thoughts. You are an interesting person!

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